Drilling Jacksonville What Drilling Services are popular in Northern Florida?

There are many types of sediments that drilling professionals can drill into. This is very important because not all geological conditions are the same from state to state or region to region. Different types of soils and sediments can dictate what type of drilling services or what type of drilling equipment that will be the most important during geotechnical drilling. Jacksonville residents might not know that there are some drilling services that are more popular in their area simply because of the geological conditions that are consistent throughout northern Florida.

Bore Drilling in Sandy Conditions

Throughout the state of Florida, and including north Florida, it is very common to come across loose and sandy soils instead of rocky geological conditions. While most people might think that it would be easier to drill into loose soil conditions, it can actually be pretty hard, especially if it is a deep hole like a boring hole for geotechnical drilling. Jacksonville residents should know that drilling a boring hole can be extremely challenging if the sediment you are drilling into keeps shifting and moving around. Special drilling equipment has to be used in order to drill into these locations, depending on the task that needs to be done.

Sinkhole Investigations

Although a drilling company does not drill for sinkholes, they may be contracted to perform sinkhole investigations on someone’s property. Many drilling companies will take samples of the ground at these locations and look to see if there are any signs of sinkhole activity, such as the loss of specific sediments. Many sinkholes start because limestone sediment has been eroded away by water and creates a hole or cavity which can turn into a sinkhole, and this is why so many sinkholes are found in Florida while drilling. Jacksonville residents should be made aware that sinkholes may take many years until they are noticeable by anyone, while other sinkholes seem to develop overnight. This depends a lot on the geological conditions and the amount of rain or groundwater present.

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