Drilling Jacksonville Beach What Kind of Issues Can Put Drilling Projects on Hold?

Geotechnical drilling is a very important service that many industries depend on. Many new construction projects and infrastructure projects depend on the work that is provided by geotechnical drilling professionals, and if the drilling is put on hold, it can cause the whole project to be put on hold. When it comes to geotechnical drilling, Jacksonville Beach residents should know that there are multiple issues that can unfold which would put a project on hold. Here are some of the more common reasons why some drilling tasks will have to be put on hold for the time being.

Not Having the Proper Drill Bit

Many people who do not know much about geotechnical drilling do not realize how important picking the right drill bit is. Drill bits are often chosen because of the geological conditions of the site, such as how much water is present and what type of sediments are present while drilling. Jacksonville Beach residents should know that some drill bits are not able to drill into certain sediments or in certain conditions. This could lead to the task taking much longer than it should, or it could break the drill bit and related drilling equipment, putting drilling professionals behind on their task.

Inclement Weather

Another common reason why a drilling task might be put on hold is because there seems to be inclement weather causing issues. Drilling professionals can still perform tasks with light to moderate rain, but the harder the rain comes down or the longer it takes to stop, the more likely it is that professionals cannot move forward with their drilling. Jacksonville Beach residents might not see how excess water or high winds can affect a drilling task, especially because drilling can happen deep underground, but it depends a lot on the soil and sediment conditions. Drilling into wet rocks is not going to be as much of an issue as drilling through wet sand that is slowly turning into mud.

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