Drilling Bryceville How is Geotechnical Drilling Beneficial to Residential Homeowners?

Geotechnical drilling plays an important role in all of our lives even though we might not see it happening on a regular basis. Any time you walk into a large building or if you go over a bridge, there is a good chance that a geotechnical drilling company was there performing some sort of drilling.

When it comes to residential homeowners however, some people do not think that their lives are affected by professionals who perform geotechnical drilling. Bryceville residents should be made aware that even residential areas have services that are related to geotechnical drilling done on a regular basis.

Here we will be going over some situations where a geotechnical drilling company might be working in residential areas to gain access underground for specific reasons.

Well Construction and Sealing

Living in the state of Florida, There are many locations around the state that are in a good location in order for a residential well to be installed on someone’s property. This is not something that residential homeowners can do for themselves as a weekend project, and it is often handled by professionals who specialize in geotechnical drilling.

Well are a serious issue because many people will all be connected to the same water supply that is water hiding underground. This is why only professionals can install wells, and these professionals often specialize in geotechnical drilling. Bryceville residents should also know that if a well go for so long unused, it has to be sealed up by law.

Sealing a well is also something that needs to be done by a professional, as if it is not done properly, it is very easy for contaminants to get into the water supply, which will be used by others.

Sinkhole Investigations

For the same reasons that Florida has the perfect geological conditions to make well construction possible, it is also the right geological conditions for sinkholes to form.

Sinkholes form when water erosion removes specific types of sediments such as limestone, and leaves behind holes in the ground. When the hold gets large enough underground, it can cause the land above it to cave in, and potentially damage your home and property.

Many people think that an insurance company will come out and perform a sinkhole investigation if they have a claim, but this is not true. An insurance company will typically contract the work-out to a company that specializes in geotechnical drilling. Bryceville residents should know that this is done because an insurance company does not have the necessary drilling equipment to come out and perform their own investigations.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*