Drilling Baldwin Different Types of Drilling Services

Drilling is the process of using complex machinery in order to gain access underground, and while this may be a common feature no matter where a drilling professional works, it is important to know that there are still many types of drilling. Baldwin drilling professionals can find themselves working in various locations in the state of Florida, all of which have different geological conditions that need to be taken into consideration.

Different locations or different geological features require different processes in order for drilling professionals to be effective at gaining access or collecting samples.

Here we will discuss some different types of drilling with some vast differences, some of which are very popular for a professional geotechnical drilling company to work with.

Foundation Drilling

Foundational drilling is a very popular service for building early in the construction phase, or to build up new infrastructure in urban areas. 

Many people think that construction companies might be able to handle their own foundational drilling, but this is often not the case because they do not have the necessary equipment to accurately and effectively perform this kind of drilling. Baldwin residents should know that foundational drilling needs to be done precisely and at specific depths and widths depending on the type of structure that is being constructed.

Keep in mind that while most new types of structures will be going up on land, there is also a need for foundational drilling to be done in bodies of water and off the coast in the ocean, and it is just as important.

Marine Drilling

Marine drilling is another drilling service that many people do not think about when they imagine geotechnical drilling. Baldwin professional drilling companies need to be able to construct certain structures off the coast or in the middle of the ocean, such as a fishing pier or an oil platform.

Marine drilling is much harder to perform than drilling on land because it has issues that are not present on land. Low visibility can be an issue when drilling deep underground on land, but it is even more difficult when trying to do it in a body of water. The deeper a body of water is, the harder it is going to be for professionals to see properly.

Another thing to consider when performing services related to marine drilling is how the ocean waves can cause drilling equipment to move around, and therefore, it becomes much harder for professionals to collect samples or make boring holes.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*