Sinkhole Investigations Town n Country Geotechnical Drilling Companies Deal with Sinkholes?

One of the worsts things that can happen to a homeowner in the state of Florida is the fact they see warning signs that their property might have a sinkhole present on it. In a scenario like this, most people would call their insurance company, or hire a group of professionals that specialize in sinkhole investigations. Town n Country residents might be shocked to know that some sinkhole investigation companies do not investigate sinkhole claims themselves, but rather they hire the assistance of a geotechnical drilling company because they have all the necessary equipment needed to perform these investigations.

Sinkhole Investigators Hiring Contractors

It might seem a little odd at first, but many sinkhole investigators do not have the space or the capital to own their own set of drilling rigs and equipment needed to move them and operate them effectively. Even though a geotechnical drilling company does not explicitly deal with sinkholes, their drills and their vehicles are great for being borrowed for sinkhole investigations. Town n Country sinkhole investigators also like the fact that geotechnical drilling companies work closely with laboratories for their sediment analysis, which can be easily used to identify sinkhole signatures from collected soil samples.

Laboratory analyses are Important

Another reason why sinkhole investigation companies are more inclined to work in conjunction with a geotechnical drilling company is the fact that they have laboratories working with them to analyze the soil samples they collect at specific locations. These lab results are very important to the process of sinkhole investigations. Town n Country insurance companies are not going to pay someone compensation for sinkhole damages unless there is scientific proof that a sinkhole is present on the property and causing problems. IF insurance companies gave money to everyone claiming to have a sinkhole, they would not be in business for too long.

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