Sinkhole Investigations Spring Hill Who to contact about a questionable sinkhole

If you live in Florida, they you probably know about the possibility and dangers of a sinkhole on your property. There are a few notable signs that a sinkhole is present on your property such as cracks in your foundation,  doors and windows not being able to close properly, or even physical evidence of a depression in your yard. If you are seeing some of these signs, you may want someone to take a look at it but who do you call for sinkhole Investigations? Spring Hill residents will first have to notify their insurance company if you have any because they only way for them to cover it is if they prove a sinkhole is present.

So the Insurance Company Will test My Sinkhole?

While this is partially right, it is not exactly the truth. Usually what ends up happening, is you or your insurance company will call on the third party drilling companies to dig underneath your property and pull out samples to determine the prognosis. Insurance companies rely on the integrity and accuracy of drilling companies to follow up on their sinkhole investigations. Spring Hill residents will not have to pay out of pocket if there is a sinkhole present, that why sinkhole investigations and drilling companies corporations.

Will My Insurance Company Fill the Sinkhole if One is Present?

Like stated above, this statement is only half right. Your insurance company will cover all of the damages and remediation’s, but they will not do the work themselves. They will hire out the company that did the soil testing to continue their services and fix any sinkhole problems that a property may have. When dealing with sinkhole investigations, Spring Hill residents should know that an insurance company is going to want to double check, maybe even triple check a claim to be absolutely sure it is a sinkhole. If there is a chance that your damages might have not been caused by a sinkhole, An insurance company is going to try and prove it so they do not have to pay for fixing problems.

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