Sinkhole Investigations Carrollwood Villages When is it a Good Idea to test for Sinkhole?

Being that you live in the state of Florida, or some area of the country that is prone to sinkhole activity, it is important to stay vigilant for any signs that a sinkhole is on your property. Instead of playing a guessing game, and trying to determine if there is a sinkhole on your property, it may be a good idea to call a geotechnical drilling company for sinkhole investigations. Carrollwood Villages probably already know that sinkhole investigations are going to cost them if they do not have sinkhole insurance, it is going to cost them out of pocket. This makes many people wonder, when is it a good idea to have a test done for sinkholes on their property?

Signs of Sinkhole Activity

It should come as a surprise to no one, but one of the best times to get professional sinkhole investigations done is when a homeowner notices signs of sinkhole activity. There are many signs that a sinkhole is on your property, they occur both inside and outside the home. Besides a noticeable dip in a yard, cracks in walls and doors and windows that no longer open correctly are good reasons to request sinkhole investigations. Carrollwood Villages residents should know that there are sometimes natural occurrences for these issues that are not from a sinkhole, so it is important to check.

After the Summer

If you are looking for a specific time of the year to go about scheduling sinkhole investigations, Carrollwood Villages may want to consider waiting until after summer is over. Summer in Florida is also its wettest where seasonal storms are happening almost every day. This excess water will erode specific sediments that are lying below the surface of a location, and this causes holes to open up. If the hole gets large enough it will cave in and this is the worst case scenario with sinkholes.

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