Marine Drilling Pine Castle Marine Drilling After Hurricane Landfall

There are many people who love living in the state of Florida, and if they do not live here already, there are many people who are interested in moving to the state at some point in their lives.

One of the more popular reasons why people want to move to Florida is because of the weather and the state’s natural beauty, but it is not great all the time in the sunshine state. Because of Florida’s subtropical climate, it is in the right area to be targeted by severe hurricanes every summer.

Many hurricanes end up missing the state of Florida or are not strong enough to cause significant damage upon landfall, but at least once a year there is going to be a serious storm that has the potential to make landfall in Florida. This type of damage ends up keeping professional drilling companies busy, such as with services related to marine drilling. Pine Castle residents might not know exactly how drilling companies help after a strong hurricane, so here we will go over some of the popular ways that this happens.

Drilling into Inland Areas Covered with Water

When someone hears the name marine drilling, Pine Castle residents might be quick to think about professionals drilling in the open ocean or a body of water, which is true. But with the risk of a severe hurricane also is the risk of dealing with deadly storm surge, or ocean water that can flood an area that a hurricane passes over.

When all of this flooding goes into urban or developed areas that need to be helped with the help of a professional geotechnical drilling company, There is a good chance these professionals are going to be performing marine drilling.

Drilling into any body of water is no easy task, and this includes minor flooding of a foot or less that can be found in inland areas. This has to do with the fact that visibility can be poor, and it can be hard to tell if there is anything in the water that can cause problems or become dangerous.

Foundation Drilling After a Hurricane

After a hurricane has passed through, there is going to be much damage to buildings and homes that were in the main path of the storm. These buildings can be rebuilt after a period of time, in which case it would be a good idea to get in contact with a professional geotechnical drilling company.

Foundation drilling is something that can be done in a water location, which makes it go hand in hand a lot of the time with marine drilling. Pine Castle residents should know that this is very important when keeping up with existing infrastructure that is partially or fulling involved with a body of water.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*