Foundation Drilling Orlando What Happens When Professionals Use the Wrong Equipment During Foundational drilling?

Foundational Drilling is something that can be a very common service that geotechnical drilling professionals can find themselves performing for many different clients in many different industries. 

Foundational drilling is not always easy though, and there is a lot of knowledge and technical know-how that needs to be taken into consideration for a professional drilling company to be successful when performing foundation drilling. Orlando residents should know that specialized equipment has to be used otherwise it can ruin the drilling efforts of professionals.

Here we will discuss what can happen when professionals choose to use equipment that is not the best choice of action due to environmental and geological conditions.

Not Being Able to Make Effecting Boring Holes

When professionals are outperforming foundation drilling, Orlando residents should know that oftentimes this will result in a geotechnical drilling company making boring holes for the foundation of a structure can be held in.

If a professional drilling company were to use the wrong type of drilling equipment when out on location, it can make it much more difficult to make effective or precise boring holes in the ground.

This can be due to the fact that a drilling professional was not using the correct drill bit for specific geological conditions, such as if a soil or sediment has a high hardness level and a drill bit keeps breaking or struggling to get through the hard material.

Soil and Sediment Conditions to Notice for Foundation Drilling

Another characteristic of a location that can affect how geotechnical drilling processional choose what type of equipment they should use during foundational drilling are the soil and sediment conditions that are present.

For example, in sandy locations it may be better for a geotechnical drilling professional to use an ejection drill bit when performing foundation drilling. Orlando residents might think that sandy or loose soils are easy to drill into, but this is not true at all.

While it may be easy for a drill to go into sandy soils, it can be extremely difficult to make a boring hole and have it stay solid the whole way down for a solid foundation in the future. Other sole and sediment issues that could be an issue for drilling professionals is the presence of groundwater, or a sinkhole.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*