Foundation Drilling Kissimmee Is Foundation Drilling Essential for New Home Construction?

Geotechnical drilling has many different types of specialized drilling services. Certain types of drilling activities will achieve a specific outcome. For example, sample collection drilling services are done to learn more about a specific piece of property, or to know what types of soil and sediment are present.

Another popular drilling service that has a specialized outcome is known as foundation drilling. Kissimmee’s residents should know that foundation drilling is something that is typically done in conjunction with new building construction or new infrastructure construction.

Foundation drilling is designed to make buildings and other structures more stable, but not all structures need foundation drilling to be safe. Many people will often ask if foundation drilling is an essential part of new home construction, but that depends on a few different factors.

How Big is the Home that is Being Constructed?

Foundational drilling may or not be needed for a new home, depending on its size. A good rule of thumb for individuals to remember is that the larger the structure is, the more likely it is going to need additional support through the efforts of geotechnical drilling. Kissimmee’s residents should know that smaller homes may not need to have foundation drilling done at all.

Foundational drilling is needed a lot of the time for commercial buildings because they are much larger, and not all homes will be constructed to this size.

Unless you have a large home with multiple stories, the likelihood of a homeowner needing foundation drilling for their new home is quite small.

What are the Geological Conditions of the Site?

Another important aspect that may help individuals dictate if foundational drilling will be needed on a new construction home is the geological conditions of the site the house is being constructed.

Although the state of Florida is known for being quite flat with not too much elevation, there are some pieces of land that are angled or sloped, which can cause problems to the structure of a building. These buildings may need additional support to compensate for a lack of soil and sediment in some areas.

When it comes to this situation with foundation drilling, Kissimmee residents should know that smaller homes in this instance may need additional support to make the structure safe. Some geological conditions can be problematic for foundational drilling efforts, for example, if drilling professionals find an active sinkhole on the property, it can cause the structure to not be completed. 

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*