Environmental Drilling Union Park Is Environmental Drilling Dangerous or Harmful?

It is not uncommon for individuals to see a professional drilling company working in many different areas and locations in and around their community.

There are a lot of ways that professional drilling companies help out homeowners and business owners, or a lot of reasons why a person would need to utilize their services, such as sinkhole investigations or environmental drilling. Union Park residents might have some concerns about environmental drilling.

Many people are more conscientious than ever about protecting our environment and going green, and some people might be under the impression that environmental drilling is an extremely invasive practice that is destroying the land, but this is not true. Here we will discuss a little bit more in depth of what actually happens when geotechnical drilling professionals are asked to come out to a location to perform environmental drilling services.

Where is Environmental Drilling Done?

When someone is asked to think about the locations of environmental drilling, Union Park residents are quick to think about places like coral reefs or protected forests, but this is not exactly the type of situation that a professional drilling company will be working in.

Environmental drilling implies any area that is not a part of or connected to an urban community or development. This can be something as close as an empty plot of land in a town or city, or it can be going out in rural areas and collecting samples.

Most of the time a drilling company will be working in a wooded or overgrown area, but they will not be in the middle of nowhere or be drilling into protected areas. Keep in mind though that environmental drilling can be done in a body of water, such as the ocean, a river, or even a lake.

Is Environmental Drilling Damaging or Dangerous?

Now that a person has a better idea of what environmental drilling is and where it will be done, most people in this situation will often ask if it is dangerous to land to perform environmental drilling. Union Park residents should know that when it comes to drilling, there is always going to be some change to the land that the work is being done on, but it is not going to be at the scale such as deforestation or fracking would cause environmental damage.

For example, foundational drilling is an important service for newly constructed homes and businesses, as it makes the structure more safe. Although a drilling company is technically displacing soil and sediment causing changes to the environment, it is not the kind of negative impact that most people are worried about.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*