Drilling Winter Springs What can prolong a Drilling Task?

Geotechnical drilling is similar to other types of services with regard to the fact that some drilling tasks seem to get done in a matter of minutes, while others can take hours and even days depending on the type of work that needs to be done. Yet when it comes to geotechnical drilling, Winter Springs residents might not be aware that there are some outside forces that can prolong how long it could take for drilling processionals to finish their tasks. Here are some of the most common reasons why a professional drilling company may not be able to finish drilling in a location in the amount of time that they previously thought.

Inclement Weather

One of the biggest obstacles that stands in the way of drilling professionals getting their tasks done on time is inclement weather. Although it is still possible to drill into the ground with some rain, anything more than a light drizzle can cause significant issues. When it comes to geotechnical drilling, Winter Springs residents should know that excess moisture that gets into the boreholes that have already been drilled can cause issues with the borehole itself, such as by having it collapse if the hole was made into loose soils like sand.

Undisclosed Geological Conditions

Apart from weather, another big concern that drilling companies have is things that are lying below the surface of a location that cannot be noticed right away. This is why sample collection and surveying are the first tasks that professionals will do when they are asked to perform some aspect of geotechnical drilling. Winter Springs residents might not be aware of one of the most common things that lies under the surface of the ground in the state of Florida that is a real issue. Sinkholes are more common than you might think, and oftentimes they are not discovered until geotechnical drilling professionals start drilling. If one is discovered, it may potentially cause the whole drilling task to be put on hold for other solutions.

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