Drilling Company Lake Magdalene What is the Most Common Drilling Service for Residential Homeowners?

It is not uncommon for someone who associates geotechnical drilling with construction. After all, there are many businesses related to construction that utilize and contract out professionals from a geotechnical drilling company. Lake Magdalene residents should be made aware that although it is not as common, a professional company that specializes in geotechnical drilling are able to help individuals in residential communities as well. Even though they are not as popular, there are some services in residential areas that are more common than others, and they are most likely going to be ones that a homeowner has to play a part in.

Residential Well Construction

Out of all the services that can affect the property of a residential homeowner, the most common service that is requested has to do with installing a well on the property. Not just anyone can dig a hole in their backyard to have access to groundwater, and wells are taken very seriously. When it comes to the work done by a geotechnical drilling company, Lake Magdalene residents should be made aware that wells that are no longer in use have to be sealed, and typically a residential homeowner will call back the company that installed the well to also seal it. Groundwater is used by many people, and professionals go through lengths to ensure that the source is not being contaminated from a well no longer in use.

Sinkhole Investigations

Another common service that geotechnical drilling companies are performing for residential homeowners are sinkhole investigations. For this type of service, typically the homeowner doesn’t directly contact the professional drilling company. Lake Magdalene residents should know that typically their home insurance is responsible for reaching out to geotechnical drilling professionals to perform an investigation of a sinkhole claim. An insurance company does not have the tools needed to check on sinkhole claims themselves, and it is quite common for an insurance company to contract a geotechnical drilling company to perform the necessary investigations.

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