Precision Drilling Pine Castle Precision Drilling in Residential Areas

Not everyone is familiar with what a geotechnical drilling company does or what kind of clients they deal with on a regular basis. Because of how important different types of geotechnical drilling services are, such as precision drilling, Pine Castle Drilling Professionals can find themselves working in very different areas as part of their normal week of work.

Many people are under the impression that a foundation drilling company is going to primarily be working with government jurisdictions and construction companies as their main clients, and while they can be regular contributors, drilling companies also do work for individuals in residential communities.

Not too many people are aware of this however, unless they have already been helped by drilling professionals at their home before. Here we will discuss some of the services that are common for residential homeowners.

Water Well construction and Sealing

One of the most popular drilling services in residential communities happens to be one of the oldest. In the state of Florida, as well as other areas of the United States, water wells are a popular choice for residential homeowners, especially in underdeveloped or rural communities.

If a homeowner wants to gain access to ground water on their property, they cannot simply dig a hole in the ground themselves, but have to go through the appropriate legal channels that depend on the local jurisdiction. Typically, it will involve the need for a trusted professional to come out to perform precision drilling. Pine Castle residents should be made aware of the fact that a water well needs to be placed in a precise location to work properly, and not all places on the ground will have access to groundwater.

Keep in mind that professional drilling companies also do a lot of work for residential homeowners that need a well on their property sealed. It is against the law to have an open water well on a property that has not been used in a long time, as it can lead to a contamination hazard.

 Sinkhole Investigations and Remediation

Being that Most of the state of Florida has the right geological conditions that make it acceptable to have residential homeowners with access to groundwater on their property, it also creates the right geological conditions for sinkholes to form.

A sinkhole can be a devastating issue that a homeowner can deal with, but luckily there are actually some signs that will start appearing if there is an active sinkhole. Some of these signs can be investigated with the right equipment and efforts related to precision drilling. Pine Castle Homeowners should know this process involves taking core samples of the ground to see if there are any signs of a sinkhole that is growing larger and could cause damage to a home or property.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Marine Drilling Pine Castle Marine Drilling After Hurricane Landfall

There are many people who love living in the state of Florida, and if they do not live here already, there are many people who are interested in moving to the state at some point in their lives.

One of the more popular reasons why people want to move to Florida is because of the weather and the state’s natural beauty, but it is not great all the time in the sunshine state. Because of Florida’s subtropical climate, it is in the right area to be targeted by severe hurricanes every summer.

Many hurricanes end up missing the state of Florida or are not strong enough to cause significant damage upon landfall, but at least once a year there is going to be a serious storm that has the potential to make landfall in Florida. This type of damage ends up keeping professional drilling companies busy, such as with services related to marine drilling. Pine Castle residents might not know exactly how drilling companies help after a strong hurricane, so here we will go over some of the popular ways that this happens.

Drilling into Inland Areas Covered with Water

When someone hears the name marine drilling, Pine Castle residents might be quick to think about professionals drilling in the open ocean or a body of water, which is true. But with the risk of a severe hurricane also is the risk of dealing with deadly storm surge, or ocean water that can flood an area that a hurricane passes over.

When all of this flooding goes into urban or developed areas that need to be helped with the help of a professional geotechnical drilling company, There is a good chance these professionals are going to be performing marine drilling.

Drilling into any body of water is no easy task, and this includes minor flooding of a foot or less that can be found in inland areas. This has to do with the fact that visibility can be poor, and it can be hard to tell if there is anything in the water that can cause problems or become dangerous.

Foundation Drilling After a Hurricane

After a hurricane has passed through, there is going to be much damage to buildings and homes that were in the main path of the storm. These buildings can be rebuilt after a period of time, in which case it would be a good idea to get in contact with a professional geotechnical drilling company.

Foundation drilling is something that can be done in a water location, which makes it go hand in hand a lot of the time with marine drilling. Pine Castle residents should know that this is very important when keeping up with existing infrastructure that is partially or fulling involved with a body of water.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*


Foundation Drilling Pine Castle What is the Best Approach to Foundation Drilling?

Foundation drilling is a very common service that keeps professionals at a geotechnical drilling company relatively busy. It is the process of drilling holes into the ground for new construction buildings and infrastructure to make sure it is steady and will not put people in danger once it is completed and being used as intended.

When it comes to foundation drilling, Pine Castle residents should know that not all structures will need to have it done, but it is something that should be done on large structures that will be housing people for an extended period of time.

Not all foundational drilling is done in the same manner by different geotechnical drilling professionals, and many people often debate what is the best approach when trying to complete foundation drilling for a new structure, and here we will discuss some of the things that drilling professionals should keep in mind.

Perform Foundational Drilling Before Construction

Foundational drilling is often a preliminary action that should be done whenever any new type of infrastructure or building is being constructed. It would make no sense to secure a building or structure after it has already been constructed, as this will create a lot of problems and a lot more work for drilling professionals.

This is why it is common to see drilling professionals working at a new site than a construction company because they are performing foundation drilling. Pine Castle residents should know that depending on the type of structure and its use, it can take a professional drilling company may days before the foundational work will be completed.

Additionally, foundational drilling is a great idea to begin first because it can help construction companies know if there are any geological anomalies and problems that could cause issues with the construction process or the building that will be constructed.

Being Careful With Selecting the Right Drilling Equipment

Another good approach to foundational drilling that a professional drilling company needs to take into consideration is what type of drilling equipment is going to be the best for the current environmental conditions they are going to be drilling into.

Not all drilling equipment does a good job at creating a nice solid foundation for new construction building during services of foundation drilling. Union Park residents should know that a good drilling company will make sure to use the right equipment in order to quickly and effectively drill into the ground.

This is one reason why geotechnical surveys and sample collection are an important part of the foundation drilling process.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Environmental Drilling Pine Castle Performing Environmental Conditions In Inconvenient Situations

Most service jobs are doing actions for homeowners that are not ideal, or in areas that make it hard to work in to get a specific task done. This is also the case for professionals that are working for a geotechnical drilling company and gaining access to the ground for their clients.

Any type of drilling is no easy task, but what can make things more difficult for drilling professionals is the landscape or environment in which they are working. When it comes to environmental drilling, Pine Castle residents should know that choosing the right drilling equipment can limit the amount of issues professionals have at a specific location, but it is not always enough to guarantee that drilling efforts will be easy.

Here, we will discuss some of the environmental conditions that cause issues for professionals which can cause them to take much longer on a task than anyone had hoped for.

Environments With Little to no Information or Data

Drilling in different types of soil and sediment conditions for environmental drilling is not as difficult if a professional company uses the right type of drilling equipment, but one thing that can make things extremely difficult for those involved in the process is having a lack of information about the locations professionals are drilling into.

Before drilling professionals should start environmental drilling, Pine Castle residents should know that these professionals should first do soil or sample collection so that they will have a better idea of what conditions are like below the surface at a specific location.

Knowing what types of soils, sediments, and geological anomalies are hiding at a specific location can give drilling professionals enough information to make it easier for them to gain access to the ground and complete the task at hand for one of their clients.

Drilling Conditions That Make Environmental Drilling More Difficult

Even if a professional drilling company gets a good understanding of what conditions are like at a specific location due to sample and soil collection, it does not always mean that they are going to have an easy time performing environmental drilling. Pine Castle residents should be made aware that there are external considerations for drilling than to simply know that something is hiding under the surface of the ground.

For example, one of the more difficult situations to drill into is an underdeveloped piece of land that has the presence of a lot of groundwater. Many soils and sediments are easily affected by being in contact with groundwater, which can make it harder to drill into and harder to perform tasks like drilling for boring holes.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Difficult Access Drilling Pine Castle Can Loose or Sandy Soils Cause Difficult Access Drilling?

Arguably one of the most important factors to consider when geotechnical drilling professionals are out and about performing drilling services for their clients is what type of soil or sediments are they going to be drilling into.

The state of Florida is so big that one piece of state can have drastically different geological conditions than that of a piece of land on the other side of the state. Although this is true, more often than not most people in the state of Florida are going to be living in an area that has loose or sandy soils.

This has to do with the fact of Florida slowly rising out of the sea over a period of millions of years. Even though these soils can be easy to move, it can be hard to drill into, creating situations with difficult access drilling. Pine Castle residents might not be aware of this, but today we will discuss some of the challenges of drilling into loose or sandy soils.

Loose Soils Can Affect Boring Holes or Core Samples

Drilling into the ground is not the same thing as digging a hole in the ground. Drilling has to be more precise and requires bigger and more sophisticated equipment to do so effectively.

Consider a geotechnical drilling company that is out at the location creating boring holes to be used in foundational drilling later on. In sandy or loose soil conditions, it can be very hard for a professional to keep a boring hole intact, especially the deeper the boring hole goes into the ground.

In order to avoid sandy soils causing difficult access drilling, Pine Castle geotechnical drilling professionals will have to be careful of what drilling equipment they use, as it can make the process much easier for drilling professionals to complete the task at hand.

Loose Soils and Sediments Often Involve Ground Water

Another reason why loose soils and sediments can create difficult access drilling scenarios for professionals is because loose soils often deal with groundwater. This is especially true for coastal areas that are naturally closer to the water of the ocean.

Drilling through water is not really as big of a problem as that water causing those loose soils and sediments to shift and ruin current drilling efforts. When it comes to difficult access drilling, Pine Castle residents should know that professionals will have to select the right equipment that performs best when drilling into ground water.

If groundwater is present, it does not mean a professional geotechnical drilling company cannot complete their drilling task, but it will be much harder for them to do so.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Drilling Pine Castle Drilling Through Different Geological Conditions in Florida

Florida is one of the largest states in the United States of America, which may lead people to believe that it will have various types of sediments and geological conditions that would make it difficult to perform geotechnical drilling. Pine Castle residents should be made aware that Florida does have many geological conditions throughout the state, but it is most common that only a few different types of sediments will be found at the drilling locations that geotechnical professionals will be working at. In the state of Florida, and many other Areas in the Southeast United States, the two most common geological conditions to be found at a location are sandy soils and limestone bedrock.

Drilling in Sandy Locations

The most abundant type of soil or sediment that is found throughout the state of Florida is sand of various types. This is because millions of years ago, Florida was completely submerged under ocean water, and only recently rose above sea level. This is why it is not very common to not have homes with dirt underneath them, because there was never any soil in Florida to begin with. Even though sand is not the same as dirt, it can still post a challenge when performing geotechnical drilling. Pine Castle residents might not know that because sand is so soft and tiny, it is very easy to move and shift while drilling, which can make drilling bore holes very challenging.

Underground Limestone

For the same reason why sand is so common in the state of Florida, limestone is something that drilling professionals run into often when going deep underground with geotechnical drilling. Pine Castle residents should be made aware that limestone is the main cause for sinkholes in the state of Florida. When the limestone erodes from water travelling underground, it can create holes in the ground that if they become large enough, they will give in and cause some serious damage. Limestone is not a hard sediment to drill through, but sinkholes are always on a drilling team’s mind when they encounter it at a location.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Pine Castle What are the soil horizons?

Pine Castle geotechnical drilling clients are often curious about precisely what’s beneath their feet. In fact, most know relatively little about the geologic landscape that exists within such close proximity to our world.

The soil that sits beneath our feet is divided into a number of layers called “horizons.”  Each horizon is a distinct layer and it’s not uncommon to drill into most or all of these layers when performing geotechnical drilling. Pine Castle natives can read on to learn more about these different layers.

How do soil horizons effect geotechnical drilling?

Pine Castle geotechnical drilling projects can vary depending upon the soil composition and stone composition, among other factors. Regardless of the predominant soil type, the horizons are typically present in all locations.

So what are the soil layers or “horizons?”

O Horizon – Also called humus, this is the very top layer of earth, comprised of nutrient-rich organic debris that’s in the process of being turned into actual soil.

A Horizon – Also known as the topsoil layer, this horizon is where a majority of plant roots are situated; only a portion go deeper than this layer. A horizon is usually a blend of humus and particles of sand, minerals and silt.

E Horizon – Also called the eluviation layer (or “leaching layer”), this horizon is primarily comprised of sand and silt. Water tends to flow through this layer with ease since it contains little clay, few minerals and virtually no organic matter.

B Horizon – Also called subsoil, this layer is typically rich in mineral and clay deposits, which form as the water brings minerals down from the upper layers. This layer can contain fairly small chunks of stone and mineral, including iron, calcium carbonate and aluminum oxide. This is typically the deepest layer where you’ll find roots (and usually only for the very largest trees).

E Horizon – Also known as regolith, this layer is comprised of very rocky soil, with large stones broken off from the bedrock that sits below. Plant roots are never found in this layer and it contains very little organic material.

R Horizon – Also called bedrock, this layer is more or less solid rock. The composition of the bedrock does vary by location. In Florida and much of the south, the bedrock is comprised of limestone, which is quite soft.

If you’re seeking to learn more about the composition of the bedrock and other layers, you can invest in geotechnical drilling. Pine Castle natives often turn to drilling when evaluating the suitability of a site as a possible location for a structure or to investigate the possibility of sinkholes.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*