Drilling Northdale What Happens When a Sinkhole is Found While Drilling?

Florida is one of the most active regions of the United States for sinkholes, and it seems that every Floridian has either death with a sinkhole themselves or they know someone who has dealt with one. This is why it is not uncommon for a professional drilling company to discover that there is a sinkhole on the location that they are drilling. Northdale residents should know that once a sinkhole is discovered at a property, they have to address it in order to continue moving forward with a project, as it could danger anyone who has to work on that property in the future.

Take Samples to Ensure a Sinkhole is Present

There are many signs that professionals know which can kind of tell that there could be a sinkhole at a drilling location. However, drilling professionals should never assume that there is one or isn’t one, but they should collect samples to know for sure. It does not take long for drilling professionals to collect a core sample, and have it analyzed at a laboratory. When it comes to sinkholes and drilling, Northdale professionals might notice large gaps in the sediments in these samples, making it believe that the sediment has dissolved away creating a void or sinkhole.

Fixing a Sinkhole

In most cases a sinkhole can be fixed in order for the property to be safe, ensuring that future construction can happen without any issues in the future. In order to do this, drilling professionals will have to correct the issue, usually by filling the void and creating support for the soil and sediment so it no longer shifts. When it comes to sinkholes and drilling, Northdale residents should have the tools and equipment needed to fix the sinkhole themselves, never needing to contract out additional help in order to get the job done. Sinkholes are not present on every new property that is trying to be built up and developed, but they are far more common that people make them out to be in the state of Florida.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of *Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Northdale Why Do Experts Perform Geotechnical Drilling

Northdale developers and property owners use geotechnical drilling to obtain essential information about the underground geology of a site. From evaluating a piece of property for its suitability as a building site to determining why an area is undergoing ground shifting, geotechnical drilling has many potential applications.

Whether you’re attempting to learn more about what lies beneath a future development site to evaluating an area for possible sinkhole locations, geotechnical drilling offers an affordable and relatively time-efficient option for researching a site. In some cases, drilling may reveal that pricier, comprehensive investigative efforts such as ground penetrating radar, are necessary at a particular location.

In many cases of geotechnical drilling, Northdale drill operators will use a hollow drill bit to extract a tall cylinder of earth. This captures each ground layer without altering the density or thickness, making it great for lab analysis. Lab analysis is used to determine:

  • The composition of each layer;
  • The thickness and depth of each ground layer;
  • The layer or stone density;
  • The ground moisture content;
  • The integrity and strength of the various layers or the stone.

Based on this information, experts and engineers can determine if a site is safe and suitable for constructing a large structure. You can also determine if building plans should be altered to ensure safety and long term integrity. In other cases, sinkhole remediation efforts may be required. Sinkhole remediation may be needed if an underground void is located. Areas with limestone bedrock are very prone to sinkholes because this type of stone dissolves when exposed to even mild acids (like the acid that is collected by groundwater as it moves through the earth’s various layers.)

How Long Does it Take to Perform Geotechnical Drilling?

Northdale geotechnical drilling companies will transport portable drilling rigs to the site that’s under investigation. Factors like the size of the site, the density of the ground and any stone layers, along with the depth of the drilling efforts will impact the timeframe, which in turn, affects cost. In cases where core analysis is required, there may be additional laboratory analysis-related expenses.

The timeframe may range anywhere from a couple days for a small site with soft ground or weeks in the case of a large multi-acre site with dense ground layers and deep depths.

It’s best to consult a geotechnical drilling firm to discuss your exact project to get an accurate idea of expense and timeframe.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*