Environmental Drilling Lecanto Environmental Drilling of Residential Areas

Environmental drilling services is not something that is commonly talked about, making it highly possible to have many misconceptions associated with it. For starters, when someone hears the words environmental drilling, Lecanto residents might be quick to think of a drilling company and its employees working in the middle of nowhere, and drilling for something. While this can be true in some instances, it is not a very accurate depiction of what environmental drilling is. In fact, environmental drilling can be done anywhere, even residential areas and communities. There may be a situation where a homeowner needs to call on the assistance of an environmental drilling company to help them out with some sort of issue.

What is Environmental Drilling Concerned With?

When someone calls on a geotechnical drilling company to perform some type of environmental drilling service, most often they are referring to the sample collection of soil and ground water from a specific location. This information is very important for many individuals and industries, as well as residential homeowners, but when it comes to environmental drilling, Lecanto professionals are most concerned about monitoring an area over a period. Very rarely will someone only call on the assistance of an environmental drilling company for a one-time service.

What are Some Examples of Residential Environmental Drilling Services?

One of the most common environmental drilling services that residential homeowner may need to use at some point is sinkhole investigations. A geotechnical drilling company will have to collect a few different samples over time in order to conclusively proves that there is the presence of a sinkhole on your property. Another service of environmental drilling Lecanto resident might be interested in well construction or well sealing. Many homes would love the idea of having access to their own water supply in order to avoid paying a water bill. Additionally, if someone is not using a well, they have to by law have it sealed in order to prevent contamination into the water supply that it has access to.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Environmental Drilling Lecanto Why Environmental Drilling Testing is import for insurance companies

Sinkholes are a big problem in Florida. Thanks to environmental drilling, Lecanto professionals are able to take ground samples deep from under your property with different drill bits and probes.

But homeowners might be asking themselves, why does an environmental drilling Lecanto company need samples to fix sinkholes?

The truth of the matter is most of the time, a drilling company does not need to take samples because there are well tell tail signs of the presence of a sinkhole. However, sampling and analysis are very important for insurance companies.

Unfortunately, Insurance companies really want more than one definitive test to prove there is a sink hole before they spend the money to fix your problem.

An environmental drilling Lecanto company has many tools and services to get samples from your property. The most common type of preliminary test these drilling companies perform is called a SPT, or Standard Penetration Test. SPT give a vital sample of top soil ( although there probes can go pretty deep), and also shows the density of the soil on your property.

Another test Performed by drilling companies used to aid insurance company claims is called vane shear testing or VST for short. Environmental drilling Lecanto companies use VST to determine the peak shear strength of softer, looser clays and organic build up.

If you property is close to a body of water or the insurance company might think your sinkhole is near this body of water, Environmental drilling Lecanto companies maybe be required to obtain a sample using Vibracoring. Although vibracoring sounds like a technical process, the best way to explain vibracore sampling is it is like SPT, but only used to get soil samples out of a body of water.

All of these different types of tests ( and more!) are used by drilling companies to find the quickest and easiest solutions to a sinkhole, but more commonly these tests are preformed for insurance companies and claims.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*