Environmental Drilling Tillmans Corner How do Drilling Professionals Work in Underdeveloped Areas?

Building up an urban area is no easy task for construction companies and other service industries. Not too many people are aware of the process that goes from an underdeveloped piece of land, to a clear out lot, to having a nice and safe building that is able to be used by members of the community.

Before any type of construction can begin in both residential and commercial areas, drilling professionals are going to need to be called out for specific services. When working in these underdeveloped areas of our community, oftentimes these services can be lumped together as environmental drilling. Tillmans Corner residents should know that drilling in these conditions will be a lot different from drilling in say a coastal area with sandy soils.

Environmental drilling can be a very intensive process with a lot of tasks and steps to go through. Here we will be going a little bit more in depth as to how professionals are able to work in these underdeveloped areas of the country.

Performing Geotechnical Surveys and Investigations

 One of the best ways that a geotechnical drilling company can be successful when out drilling in an underdeveloped area that they have never done work in before is to do investigations. These are often called geotechnical surveys, and require professionals to take many samples of the surrounding area, so they have a good idea of what conditions are like below the surface of an area.

Because of all the vegetation and growth that can be present in these underdeveloped areas, it can be very difficult to see what soil and sediment conditions are like, which is very important information when performing environmental drilling. Tillmans Corner residents should be made aware that these investigations require professionals to drill into the ground and bring up core samples to have an idea of what things look like.

Geotechnical surveys and investigations are also important to perform as a first measure because it can help determine if the sight is even suitable for the condition. For example, during these investigations, it is possible to find a growing sinkhole.

Using the Right Equipment for Overgrown Locations

After drilling professionals have a good idea as to what soil and sediment conditions are like, the next important step that a drilling company needs to consider is what equipment would be best to drill into these specific areas.

The two most important things to consider in an instance like this is that drilling equipment needs to be suitable for specific types of soils and sediments, but it also has to be suitable to go through specific types of vegetation.

When it comes to underdeveloped areas and environmental drilling, Tillmans Corner residents should know that vegetation and other types of plant matter are going to be very abundant is most cases.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Tillmans Corner What Underground Structures Do You Encounter During Geotechnical Drilling?

Tillman’s Corner, Alabama geotechnical drilling technicians frequently receive questions from clients who are curious about precisely what dwells beneath the earth’s surface. Most assume that there’s just some dirt and stones underground, but this is actually quite far from the truth!

The ground can be home to many different structures that you might encounter during a project involving excavation or geotechnical drilling. Tillman’s Corner natives can read on to learn more about what lies beneath your feet!

What’s Underground – Basics of Geotechnical Drilling:

Tillman’s Corner geotechnical drilling technicians may encounter lots of different underground structures while performing a drilling project. Here are some of the most common structures and items they can encounter in the earth.

  • Bedrock – Only the uppermost layers of the ground are soil and small stones; this all sits atop bedrock, which comprises the earth’s crust. Bedrock composition may range from limestone, to sandstone, granite or a range of other rock and mineral types.
  • Aquifers – Aquifers are a network of underground rivers that flow throughout the planet. Wells typically involve tapping into one of these aquifers. These aquifers may be comprised of a channel carved into the bedrock or the aquifer may flow through a permeable and porous layer of gravel.
  • Underground voids and caverns – Groundwater flows, particularly in regions with highly acidic soil and limestone bedrock, are prone to causing the formation of underground cavities or voids. Even mild acids can eat into limestone, dissolving the rock and over time, a large void forms. This may lead to the formation of a cavern if there is an opening at the ground’s surface or you may see a void that’s essentially invisible. If these voids collapse, a sinkhole is the result.
  • Historic artifacts – It’s not entirely uncommon for core samples (which are vertical tubes of earth extracted from the ground) to contain shards of pottery, arrowheads and other items of historic significance. Native American artifacts are most common in the U.S., but in other parts of the world, it’s not impossible to find artifacts from ancient civilizations when drilling or excavating.

It’s also possible to find fossils in some areas of the country when excavating or extracting core samples. Alabama is not a huge hotspot for fossils but they are quite commonplace in other regions.

You could also encounter isolated rock and mineral deposits. These are clusters of stones and minerals that are unique and separate from the underlying bedrock and the overlaying soil, sand and small stones

known as regolith.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*