Difficult Access Drilling Mobile What Makes the Gulf Coast Difficult to Drill Around?

Most people think that with modern ingenuity and technology that there shouldn’t be many issues that could cause a drilling task to take longer than anticipated. But this is not the case, as drilling professionals will often discover some issue on a site that creates a situation with difficult access drilling. Mobile residents might not be aware of the environmental or geological conditions that make their area particularly challenging to drill in. For starters, Mobile is a coastal city, which brings its own set of unique challenges that can be time-consuming for drilling professionals. Here are some issues that geotechnical drilling professions may encounter in some coastal areas in and around the state of Alabama.

Mangrove Swamps and Other Vegetation

Living next to the ocean is a much different climate than living inland, and oftentimes these areas have their own unique plants and animals. Mangrove swamps are very popular along the gulf coast, and can actually be extremely hard to get through, creating instances of difficult access drilling. Mobile residents might not have to deal with mangroves in their area, but there are other forms of vegetation that can make it much harder to do normal drilling tasks, such as collecting samples or performing foundational drilling. Most of the time these plants and trees need to be removed in order for a company to construct a new building or an extension of a building if it is in a water location.

The Inland Waters and Ocean

Another aspect of drilling in the gulf coast that can be hard for drilling professionals is the water aspect itself. Weather it is off of a river, along the coast, or out in the middle of the ocean, drilling on the water is no easy task for the simple reason that professional does not know what is lying below the surface of the water. When water creates difficult access drilling, Mobile drilling professionals have many tools and equipment that can help make their job easier.

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Drilling Mobile What are Companies Drilling for When out on a Job?

Unfortunately, when some people first hear the occupation of geotechnical drilling, Mobile residents are quick to imagine someone who is drilling for oil or someone who is drilling for precious metals like gold and silver. This is not really related to geotechnical drilling, and people are often shocked when professionals tell them that this is not what they do when they are on the job working. Not many people are aware what a geotechnical drilling company does, except for drilling in the ground for some reason or another. Often times when someone calls on the services of a drilling company, they simply need to gain access to an area that underground. These are some of the most common reasons why people call drilling companies in the first place.

Drilling is a First Step in Construction Projects

One of the biggest contractors of geotechnical drilling companies and their services are individuals who work in the construction industry. Often times before a company begins constructing a new building, they first have to call out a geotechnical drilling company to perform some foundational drilling. Mobile construction companies would not want to start building a structure on a location without knowing what conditions are like below the surface. In Alabama for example, sinkholes are fairly common, and this is exactly the type of anomaly that could setback a construction crew if their location has one. Foundational drilling also makes it much easier to have a structure secured by making sure its foundation is firmly secured below the surface of a location.

Drilling Can also Be for Sample Collection

While making sure there is nothing lying below the surface of a location that could be potentially dangerous is a huge aspect of geotechnical drilling, Mobile residents might also be interested in these companies because they are also used to collect samples underground. This is very important for some industries such as farming, but it is also utilized a lot by individuals in academia who are trying to study something. This type of information can be systematically collected and analyzed over periods of time to monitor the location.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Environmental Drilling Mobile What Services are Involved in Environmental Drilling?

When people hear of a service called environmental drilling, Mobile residents might be quick to assume that this is some sort of drilling that happens in rural or secluded areas. Although this is definitely a possibility, especially in the state of Alabama, but it is still quite possible to see environmental drilling done by professionals in big cities and other urbanized areas. In the simplest terms, environmental drilling is performed when a company or an individual need to know what is on a specific piece of land, usually discovered when a drilling professional collects soil and water samples to be analyzed for further study. This is a service that can be done relatively anywhere, and there are many services that might be attributed to environmental drilling.

Maritime and Coastal Drilling

One area of the environmental that many people forget about when it comes an environmental drilling company is water locations. Collecting sediment and soil samples in bodies of water or the open ocean for analysis is very important. When it comes to Environmental Drilling, Mobile residents might not know how drastic of a change it is to collect samples from on land or below the surface to collecting samples at a water location. It is much harder for professionals to know what conditions look like below the surface of the water, and it may take much longer to find a suitable location.

Environmental Drilling for Farmers and Ranchers

A lot of people assume that the type of information that is learned from collecting samples during environmental drilling jobs is only useful for scientists or other academics. While scientists can definitely benefit from these samples collected during environmental drilling, Mobile residents should be aware that this is also vital information for both farmers and ranchers. Both farmers and ranchers need to know what is lying in their water supply and in their soil because it can drastically affect their plants and animals. Additionally, when these resources are consumed, they pass any and all nutrients and minerals to those that consume their products.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Foundation Drilling Mobile Different Drilling Methods that May be Used in Foundational Drilling

The objective of foundation drilling is pretty straight forward, a company is trying to gain access to a location that is underground. However, when someone knows that this is the objective of foundation drilling, Mobile residents might assume it is as easy as drilling a hole into the ground. Although it may sound weird to hear, there are actually many forms of foundational drilling that can be done depending on the equipment being used. Often times a geotechnical drilling professional has to know what the geological conditions are like below the surface of a site before they can properly select which method of drilling would be best. This is largely to do with the fact that sediment compositions can drastically affect the success rate of different types of drilling.

Air Injection Drilling

Air injection drilling or reverse circulation air injection drilling is a hydraulic method of circulation drilling for very large holes. This is not a type of drilling used in most residential foundation drilling. Mobile drilling professionals have to use a crane to position this drill because of how large it is.

Kelly Drilling

Kelly drilling is often the most common form of foundational drilling when it comes to dry rotary because this process is use able for nearly all types of soils and sediments. The types of rigs that are used for this type of drilling can be fitted with many drill bits that are effective in foundation drilling. Mobile residents may see augers, core barrels, other attachments when professionals are performing Kelly drilling.

Flight Auger Drilling

Auger drilling is another form of dry rotary drilling but it is often used for predrilling. If there are any sediments or objects that are in the way of the drilling path. Except for very hard sediments that will only be affected by a diamond tipped drill bit, there is very little that can stop an auger drilling drill bit. This is why it is a great choice for predrilling at a location.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotech Environmental Mobile Where can Someone find a Geotech Environmental Professional Working?

Geotechnical drilling professionals can often be seen in many areas in and around the city that they are based in. This is because there are many areas where people could use the assistance of professionals who specialize in services of Geotech environmental. Mobile residents might need help at their residential home that could benefit from drilling services, or they might be a company looking to contract these professionals for an even larger job, such as foundational drilling. These kinds of consultants are in many areas tat have drastically different geological and sediment differences that can make it more difficult if they do not have the right equipment.

Rural Areas

It is not unheard-of for geotechnical drilling professionals to find themselves in the middle of nowhere performing services related to geotech environmental. Mobile residents might not understand what they could be drilling for, but there are many possibilities. A lot of times when drilling is being done by a geotechnical drilling company, they are not drilling for future construction or an addition onto a home but because they are collecting samples. Many industries such as agriculture or scientific studies utilize the information that is collected in these samples that can later help them determine what their next move should be.

Drilling in Water

Another place that many people are surprised to see geotechnical professionals working is in bodies of water, including the ocean. Samples may need to be collected in these areas, but many times it is for the construction of a structure to fully or particularly be on the water. When it comes to services on the ocean related to geotech environmental, Mobile residents might see these professionals doing some form of drilling. This is usually done for foundational drilling to make sure a structure is secure on the ocean floor before further construction is completed.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Gaillard Island What do Geotechnical Drilling Companies do In Alabama?

Geotechnical drilling professionals can be found in many interesting areas around the country, one of which happens to be the state of Alabama. This is because no matter where the location is around the nation, many individuals or industries can benefit from the skills and services of those who specialize in geotechnical drilling. Gaillard Island residents might call a geotechnical drilling company for more reasons than they realize, such as handing sinkholes which is very popular in the state of Alabama. Geotechnical drilling professionals can help those in a specific industry, or they can help residential homeowners with specific tasks. Here are some of the more popular services that geotechnical drilling companies offer members of their community when needed.

Residential and Commercial Well Construction

Many areas around the nation such as in Alabama do not get their water from the city or county they live in, but rather get their water from a well that has been constructed on site. Building a well Is not something that anyone can do if they want to, and has to be done by a specific licensed individual, such as a professional that specializes in geotechnical drilling. Gaillard Island residents probably already know what a well is and why it is used by people, but many individuals do not know how to actively create a well that works and is safe.

Foundational Drilling for Construction Companies

New homes and buildings are being constructed and worked on every day, but this doesn’t mean much if a building does not have a sturdy foundation. Many times, construction crews do not have the tools or equipment needed to perform foundational drilling, and often times they contract a company that specializes in geotechnical drilling. Gaillard Island residents who do not own a construction company may still need to hire a drilling professional for foundational drilling. New home renovations or additions may be started once a solid foundation has been established, but like those of professional construction crews, they probably do not have all the necessary tools.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Marine Drilling Mobile Why Would Marine Drilling Be Important for Coastal Cities?

Most people know about some form of geotechnical drilling, and that it is primarily done on land in many areas. Yet many people might be shocked to know that geotechnical drilling services can often be done in waterfront areas and coastal regions known as marine drilling. Mobile is one of those cities that happens to be built around a body of water that has access to the open ocean. Many of the services that are offered by drilling professionals can be utilized by many industries or even individuals who have space on or near the water, or that they want to have a spot in the future. Here are some ways geotechnical drilling professionals help people who live by coastal regions in both cities and rural areas.

Construction Renovations and New Projects

One of the most important aspects of marine drilling that is often overlooked by individuals who have never been exposed to this service is construction that happens on buildings that are on the water. This could be a building that is partially on land, such as with a fishing pier, or it can be an object that is completely on the water such as a stilt house. When it comes to marine Drilling, Mobile residents should be aware that marine drilling is often used in construction to create a sturdy foundation.

Marine Drilling for Sample Collection

Before a structure can be built partially on the water or fully on the water, a drilling company needs to make sure that the sediment below the surface of the water is suitable for a sturdy foundation. Having a good foundation is already important enough on structures built on land, but they are even more important for coastal structures and marine drilling. Mobile residents might not see a lot of drilling happening at a location quickly, and this is because a drilling company should always collect samples to see what conditions are like below the surface. This information could bring to like that a location may not be as suitable for construction as previously thought.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Precision Drilling Mobile The importance of Precision Drilling to Companies

Being able to drill in the exact location that has been specified for a site is a very important aspect that is often overlooked by individuals who do not know much about geotechnical drilling or precision drilling. Mobile residents might be under the impression that geotechnical drilling is as simple as digging a deep hole, but this is not the truth. When it comes to drilling such as foundational drilling, being off a couple of inches can be a huge deal that many people might not see. Precision drilling can be achieved through many ways from the equipment and rigs being used.

What Helps Professionals be More Precise?

Most of the time in order to be as precise as possible, drilling professionals let machines do all the work for them to be as consistent as possible. Yet even though machines are great for precision drilling, Mobile residents should be aware that if geotechnical drilling professionals are not using the right kind of drill bit, they could have complications that ruin the machine’s precision when drilling. This is usually the case when a drilling company does not know what conditions are like below the surface of a site, and they use a drill bit that is not ideal for those specific sediments. For example, it would be extremely hard to drill precisely in a really hard sediment when a drill bit is not adequate for drilling through the material.

What are Different Kinds of Drill Bits Used for?

Different drill bits are often used in order to make a drilling job easier depending on the sediment and environmental conditions. For example, dry rotary drills that are used on many sites are not suitable for sediments and sands that are saturated with moisture, and makes it hard to perform precision drilling. Mobile drilling professionals will have many drilling bits to try to make sure they have the one that will be the most precise when drilling.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Sinkhole Investigations Mobile Who is it That Performs Sinkhole Investigations?

Sinkholes are not a problem for everyone in the United States, but many Americans live in an area where one or more types of sinkholes may develop. This is why many insurance companies offer some form of sinkhole protection to your home and property, but very rarely are they the entity that goes out to perform sinkhole investigations. Mobile residents might not be aware that when an insurance company needs to perform a sinkhole investigation on your property, they are most likely going to contract the work out to a geotechnical drilling company. These professionals are tasked with collecting samples under the property to prove that a sinkhole is active, and the insurance company should step in and remediate the situation.

Why Don’t Insurance Companies Do Sinkhole Investigations?

Most people come to the thought process of, if an insurance company has sinkhole insurance, then why are they not the ones to go out and collect their own samples? This simply chalked up to the fact that insurance companies know little to nothing about sinkholes, or the geological conditions that make sinkholes possible. In addition to not knowing much about sinkhole investigations, Mobile insurance companies cannot help their clients with sinkholes because they do not have the tools or equipment needed to easily gain access by drilling. This is however very easy for a company that specializes in geotechnical drilling.

Does the Insurance Company Analyze the Samples Once They are Collected?

Before an insurance company is going to pay their clients for sinkhole damages, they have to prove that a sinkhole is actively growing on the property. This is done by sending the collected samples to a lab to be analyzed, however this is not done by insurance companies either. After a geotechnical drilling company performs sinkhole investigations, Mobile professionals have to find a company that has analytical lab equipment, which is often a partner of the contracted geotechnical drilling company. Like with the issue of performing sinkhole investigations, insurance companies do not have the lab equipment needed to further analyze samples.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Tillmans Corner What Underground Structures Do You Encounter During Geotechnical Drilling?

Tillman’s Corner, Alabama geotechnical drilling technicians frequently receive questions from clients who are curious about precisely what dwells beneath the earth’s surface. Most assume that there’s just some dirt and stones underground, but this is actually quite far from the truth!

The ground can be home to many different structures that you might encounter during a project involving excavation or geotechnical drilling. Tillman’s Corner natives can read on to learn more about what lies beneath your feet!

What’s Underground – Basics of Geotechnical Drilling:

Tillman’s Corner geotechnical drilling technicians may encounter lots of different underground structures while performing a drilling project. Here are some of the most common structures and items they can encounter in the earth.

  • Bedrock – Only the uppermost layers of the ground are soil and small stones; this all sits atop bedrock, which comprises the earth’s crust. Bedrock composition may range from limestone, to sandstone, granite or a range of other rock and mineral types.
  • Aquifers – Aquifers are a network of underground rivers that flow throughout the planet. Wells typically involve tapping into one of these aquifers. These aquifers may be comprised of a channel carved into the bedrock or the aquifer may flow through a permeable and porous layer of gravel.
  • Underground voids and caverns – Groundwater flows, particularly in regions with highly acidic soil and limestone bedrock, are prone to causing the formation of underground cavities or voids. Even mild acids can eat into limestone, dissolving the rock and over time, a large void forms. This may lead to the formation of a cavern if there is an opening at the ground’s surface or you may see a void that’s essentially invisible. If these voids collapse, a sinkhole is the result.
  • Historic artifacts – It’s not entirely uncommon for core samples (which are vertical tubes of earth extracted from the ground) to contain shards of pottery, arrowheads and other items of historic significance. Native American artifacts are most common in the U.S., but in other parts of the world, it’s not impossible to find artifacts from ancient civilizations when drilling or excavating.

It’s also possible to find fossils in some areas of the country when excavating or extracting core samples. Alabama is not a huge hotspot for fossils but they are quite commonplace in other regions.

You could also encounter isolated rock and mineral deposits. These are clusters of stones and minerals that are unique and separate from the underlying bedrock and the overlaying soil, sand and small stones

known as regolith.

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