Air Boat Drilling Town ‘n’ Country Reasons to perform Air Boat Drilling

When geotechnical drilling professionals are asked to use their services at a location that happens to be on the water or near the coast, it is called marine drilling. People are quick to think of reasons why a geotechnical drilling company would be drilling on land, but they do not have much of a clue as to what they are drilling for in the water. While on the water, a geotechnical drilling company might be drilling for a structure with air boat drilling. Town ‘n’ Country might not be aware of all the important building and infrastructure projects that take place as the result of marine drilling and air boat drilling.

Boat Ramps and Docks

Even when a geotechnical drilling company is called to perform marine drilling, more likely than not they are still going to be doing foundational drilling for some future structure. The two most common structures that are built in residential or industrial areas are boat roams and docks. Although many rigs can be used as drills for water, often the easiest and most efficient for smaller structures are air boat rigs performing air boat drilling. Town ‘n’ Country drilling professionals like how they are lightweight and easy to navigate for tight spaces and areas of narrow waterways.

Bridges over Rivers and Larger Bodies of Water

Another structure people don’t really think about as having been contributed by geotechnical drilling professionals is bridges. Depending on where the bridge is being constructed and how long it is, there is going to be some part of the bridge that is submerged, and needs marine drilling services. Often times a geotechnical drilling company will use smaller air boats and air boat drilling. Town ‘n’ Country professionals who are constructing a bridge over the ocean or a bay may not find it appropriate to use an air boat, as it may take too long.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*