Air Boat Drilling Spring Hill Where are Air Boat Rigs Useful?

Being a geotechnical drilling professional, there are many areas or locations that these people can end up performing geotechnical drilling services. One of the areas that many people don’t consider being a viable option to perform geotechnical drilling in is the water. There are many rigs and barges that make it possible for a drill to be used near or in the water. One of best options people have though when doing water projects is air boat drilling. Spring Hill residents might be shocked to know a geotechnical drilling company uses air boats for drilling, but they are more popular than people might think.

Swamps and Marshes

In the state of Florida and in some other regions of the United States, wetlands are a big part of the local ecology. It is nearly impossible to use barges and other water-based rig lifts in tight places such as a swamp or a marsh. This is one of the instances where it would be preferred to use air boat drilling. Spring Hill geotechnical drillers need something that is lightweight and easy to maneuver as there could be narrow passageways in between foliage and vegetation that would not be accessible by other forms of watercraft.

Rivers and Streams

If a barge used for holding drilling rigs is having a hard time getting through swamps and marshland of a drilling location, then there is no way that they are going to be able to navigate through a river or a small stream. With air boat drilling, Spring Hill professionals can easily pilot a drill to where exactly it needs to be, especially in tight or hard to read areas. A lot of times if a county is going to place a bridge over an area, they first need a professional to check the sight and make sure it is a suitable location for building.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*