Geotechnical Survey Carrollwood The importance of Geotechnical Surveying

Drilling is only half of the work that is required when a geotechnical drilling company is called to a construction site to perform their services. What might be even more important than the drilling aspect of construction is the geotechnical survey. Carrollwood Construction workers and geotechnical drill operators need to know what it is like under the surface of the construction site and what the composition of the soil is to figure out what equipment they should use and what drilling tool are important. If a site is not suitable for the construction that has been planned, it would be better to find out during the surveying phase as opposed to the construction phase.

Understanding the Water Content of a Location

Surveying a location is important because it can help determine what the soil composition is like below the visible topsoil of a construction site. One thing that can drastically affect a company’s construction efforts would be the amount of water that is president in the ground. In a geotechnical survey, Carrollwood construction workers know that they should not build a building below sea level as it can be a costly endeavor to get the building in suitable conditions, but also because it can increase the chances of water damage of the building and property after a heavy storm.

Checking for Sinkhole Activity

Another great reason why it is so important at a construction site to perform a geotechnical survey, Carrollwood construction companies would hate to find out after the project is finished that there is evidence of a sinkhole present. Sinkholes can be very damaging to buildings and construction projects, but they can also be detected before construction begins to ensure safety. Geotechnical drilling companies and not insurance companies are called in the event that there might be sinkhole activity as a specific residence.

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