Drilling Holiday Auger Drilling Methods Compared to Air Core Drilling Methods

Believe it or not but when it comes to geotechnical drilling, Holiday drilling professionals have many ways of using their machinery in order to gain access to something underground. Most people think that drilling is simply the process of making a hole in the ground, but the drilling is a much more complex endeavor that requires sophisticated machinery and special methods to do so. Two very common methods used by drilling professionals to gain access to something underground are known as auger drilling and air core drilling. Both methods have the same result of trying to drill deep into the ground, but they achieved in different ways.

Auger Drilling

Many people might not know what auger drilling is, but oftentimes it is the most common method that people associate drilling companies and drilling professionals to perform when drilling. Holiday residents might have used a smaller auger tool in their lawn or garden before to dig up plants or to create a space for new ones, and an auger drilling bit is not much different except for the fact that they are larger and are often made from really strong materials. An auger uses a spiral drill bit in order to drill effectively into many types of soil and sediments as it also clears the debris out of its way.

Air Core Drilling

While auger drilling methods rely heavily on the mechanical and sure force of the drill rig and bit in order to effectively create a hole while drilling, Holiday residents might not be aware that air core drilling uses less mechanical force and more force from pressurized air in order to drill into the ground. While an auger uses a spiral motion to drill into different types of soil and sediments, pressurized air acts more like a hammer driving a drill bit deeper and deeper into the ground. This same air that is used to push a drill bit down very far can also be used to blast small sediments and debris to the surface that can be used for sample collection and analysis.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*