Drilling Timber Pines How do Drilling Companies Drill in Underdeveloped Woodlands?

Many areas in the State of Florida are not developed. A lot of these areas have had little to no effect on the environment from humans for hundreds of years. Yet even though humans may not have been active in a specific area that can be turned into a new neighborhood or city, it does not make it any easier to perform geotechnical drilling. Timber Pines residents should know that vegetation and large growing plants are not always easy to drill into, even though a metal drill can drill through almost all types of sediments depending on the drill bit that is being used.

Surveying and Sample Collection of a Location

Even though a geotechnical drilling company may not be responsible for checking out an area first, it is very important that all professionals involved know what the land is like and what it consists of. For example, large amounts of plants and trees can make it hard to determine what a landscape looks like, such as if it is flat like most of the state of Florida, or if it contains hills and mounds. These types of features can drastically change the approach a company takes when performing geotechnical drilling. Timber Pines professionals often collet soil or sediment samples when performing surveying in order to have a good idea of what lies below all of that vegetation under the ground.

Clearing out Vegetation

Before a company that specializes in geotechnical drilling is going to do any type of drilling, Timber Pines professionals need to clear out all the vegetation that would be getting in the way. Consider how some types of drilling are necessary to build systems underground, such as the foundation of a house or an area for a septic tank. These kinds of systems can be messed with or broken due to large amounts of vegetation and their roots, specifically tall oak and pine trees. Not all vegetation needs to be cleared out in order to effectively perform geotechnical drilling, but a large portion of the vegetation must go in order to do so quickly and safely.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical drilling Timber Pines Geotechnical Drilling for Residential Homes

A lot of individuals are under the impression that the services provided by a geotechnical drilling company and their professionals are not suitable for the average person. Many people are under the impression that only government entities or commercial businesses would be interested in getting geotechnical drilling. Timber Pines residents should know that they shouldn’t think like this because there may come a time when they would need the assistance from geotechnical drilling professionals. Especially in the state of a Florida, residential homeowners might need to use the skills and services of geotechnical drilling professionals in the future.

Sinkhole Investigation and Remediation

One of the most common ways geotechnical drilling companies interact with the residents of their community is by performing sinkhole investigations. Usually this is on behalf of an insurance company, but most likely geotechnical drilling professionals would be called out to test the grounds below a home for sinkhole activity. With geotechnical drilling, Timber Pines residents can have professionals collect samples below the surface of their home to be given to a sinkhole insurance company. Only once there is tangible profile of sinkhole activity at a home with an insurance company ask a geotechnical drilling company to fix the sinkhole from any further damage.

Well Creation and Sealing

Are you one of the many Floridians that lives on land suitable for well construction? It may be easy to think why an individual would think the county or the building contractor would be in charge of handling week monitoring, but it is actually the responsibility of professionals that perform geotechnical drilling. Timber Pines residents would even have to deal with a geotechnical drilling company if they have to seal their well. By law, a resident that is not using an existing well must have it sealed in order to prevent contamination to other individuals who use that water supply.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*