Drilling Tarpon Springs Drilling Equipment Failures

There are many pieces of equipment that a drilling company must have in order to be efficient and effective in their work. This is because there are many drilling locations in the State of Florida that have different geological conditions. Although professionals would prefer it not to happen, there are times when a company may experience equipment failure as a result of geotechnical drilling. Tarpon Springs residents might not understand what aspects of a drill and other drilling equipment that could fail which would cause professionals to spend more time at a location then they would want to because they have other clients that need work done for them.

Mechanical Failure of Drills and Drill Rigs

Although the drill is the most important piece of equipment used when performing geotechnical drilling, Tarpon Springs professionals have probably experienced an instance where their drill has stopped working as a result of mechanical failure. There are many moving parts that make a drill a powerful and effective tool at making boreholes or collecting samples, but no piece of machinery is completely safe from having a part break. Additionally, even if the drill itself is fine, there could be a problem with the drilling rig that it is attached to.

Wearing out of Drill Bits

The most common form of mechanical failure that can happen to the tools and equipment of drilling professionals is drill bits that break or wear down. Drill bits are not supposed to last forever, and over time after many uses, they can wear down to the point where they become ineffective at drilling. Tarpon Springs professionals often experience this issue when they use a drill bit that is not strong enough to go through a specific type of sediment. This is why surveying is such a big aspect of geotechnical drilling because you would not want to use the wrong equipment when drilling into a new area. Drilling equipment and tools can be extremely expensive to replace depending on their functionality and uses.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Tarpon Springs Geotechnical Drilling in a Lake

Geotechnical drilling that is done is a lake is not something that is done very often, but it does happen for both residential and commercial applications. Many people often wonder why a lake is needs geotechnical drilling? Tarpon Springs residents should be aware that construction on a lake can and does happen from time to time, and most types of construction call upon the assistance of geotechnical professionals to perform tasks such as foundational drilling. Maritime drilling has the same effect as drilling on land, only things are often more complicated, and a thorough investigation is needed to make sure a structure or object is suitable for construction.

Foundational Drilling for Lake Construction

Water is not as easy of a medium to construct something on as it is with solid ground. In order to make sure that a structure is sturdy, foundational support must be secured at the bottom of a lake, which has its own set of challenges. When performing creating a foundation for a structure with geotechnical drilling, Tarpon Springs professionals often have little to no visibility under the surface of the water. This is why thorough geotechnical investigations must be undertaken so that nothing surprises professionals while they are working.

Drilling in Water is Much more Difficult

Specific drilling rigs and drill bits are used depending on the geological conditions that are at a location, which is no different from maritime drilling such as on a lake. Some water is okay for most drill bits, but when a site is submerged in water, only certain tools and equipment can be used to perform geotechnical drilling. Tarpon Springs residents might not know that many geotechnical drilling companies often have access to boats and barges that make it much easier to perform geotechnical drilling precisely in maritime locations.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*