Geotechnical Survey Plant City Who Should Get a Geotechnical Survey?

Getting a geotechnical survey done is a very important service that many people overlook. The information gained from a geotechnical survey does not benefit everyone, but it is still an important piece of information that is relevant to specific industries and for specific reasons. At some point in everyone’s lives, there is going to be a time when you need to hire a professional to perform a geotechnical survey. Plant City residents should know of some instances where it would be a good idea for them to schedule a survey on a specific piece of land for themselves or the company they represent.

New Home Buyers

It is common when going through the closing process of buying a new home that a potential buyer will hire individuals to check out the house and make sure there are no issues. One of the individuals to hire would be a geotechnical drilling professional to come out and perform a geotechnical survey. Plant City residents should know that this is more than simply finding the boundaries of a specific property, but it can also uncover any geological issues that may be hiding under the home. In the state of Florida, it is quite common to discover sinkholes forming on properties through  geotechnical survey.

Farm and Ranch Owners

If you are in the agriculture or ranching industry, there is a good chance you will constantly need to know the state of the soil below your feet. This contains vital information such as nutrients that are present.  When it comes to a geotechnical survey, Plant City residents say that it is important to collect multiple samples and test different areas to have an accurate picture of what is going on. This is even more important if a farmer or rancher is utilizing a well for groundwater, and this may be tested too. There are   farmers and ranchers need to rest a specific area of land to ensure that it will grow vegetation in future seasons.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Sinkhole Investigations Plant City Are Sinkhole Investigations Always Needed?

It may come as a surprise to many homeowners in the state of Florida that there are actually different types of sinkholes that can grow on a property. This is important to note because for professionals performing sinkhole investigations, Plant City geotechnical professionals will have to use different actions and equipment in order to effectively correct a growing sinkhole. This leads many people to wonder if they are going to still need sinkhole investigations if they are positive that a sinkhole is properly causing issues. Depending on the type of insurance you have for your home, it may need you to have a sinkhole investigation performed before any work will be done to correct the issue.

Sinkhole Investigations for Insurance Companies

Many of us are drawn to the idea of having some form of sinkhole coverage for our home insurance, as it will be cheaper to May regularly than to pay for the fix of a sinkhole. But before an insurance company will act on repairing the sinkhole, they are going to want to see evidence of an active sinkhole through sinkhole investigations. Plant City residents should know that depending on your insurance provider, they may want more or less information before they are willing to act. But in most cases, a sinkhole investigation is going to be needed in order to take the right steps to correct the sinkhole.

Investigations May Find no Sinkhole Activity

One reason why most people are recommended to get sinkhole investigations done by a professional geotechnical company is because they may find out there was no active sinkhole with sinkhole investigations. Plant City residents should know that many natural phenomena can have many of the same signs of an active sinkhole, and it could turn out to be that there is not a sinkhole there. For example, this happens to many people who notice cracks on the outside of their home, which makes them believe that it is a sinkhole, but it can simply be the foundation of the home settling after years.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Drilling Plant City What is Drilling Fluid in Geotechnical Drilling?

Many machines often have supplements or additives made specifically for them that helps them in their job in some capacity. Some of these additives might make a machine more efficient, or more stable, and this is no different with the machines used for geotechnical drilling. Plant City drilling professionals in some instances might feel the need to add drilling fluid to some drilling rigs or drill bits. This is not something that is a necessity to all drilling tasks, and it some instances it may be more of a hindrance that fluid is added into the drilling location. Drilling Fluid is often used as water, but in some instances, there are other fluids that are used.

What is the Purpose of Drilling Fluid?

Most of the benefits of drilling fluid are helpful for the safety and longevity of the machines themselves. A great way to look at this is when someone adds motor oil to their car engine to make it run more smoothly and efficiently. When it comes to Drilling, Plant City residents might not be aware that a drilling rig can overheat and break down if someone is not careful, but this is helped by drilling fluid. As a lubricant, drilling fluid makes it possible that a rig will drill deeper and longer than rigs that do not have drilling fluid. It cools down the drilling system, as well as helping to control pressure that is created and stabilize the exposed rock to make it easier to drill into.

Are There Any Problems with Using Drill Fluid?

Drilling fluid is something that is usually only considered when it is a necessity to the drilling project at hand, such as if a professional drilling company is doing work in an area that is saturated with water or muddy. If it is being used, it has to be used in specific instances of drilling. Plant City Professionals run the risk of contamination or skewing collection samples if they are not careful. These fluids would be pumped into the ground, and into the water underground if there is some, which can affect the plants and animals that use that water source.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Plant City Why would I need Geotechnical Drilling?

If you’re planning to construct a building or another large structure, you may wish to determine the precise composition of the ground for the site with geotechnical drilling. Plant City contractors can gain valuable knowledge from a geotechnical drilling operation, which is especially important in regions of the country such as Florida, where sandy soil overlays a bed of limestone. Limestone is a relatively porous and this stone can actually dissolve when exposed to acidic water, making it more prone to instability.

Whether you’re constructing an office building, a parking garage, a bridge or another structure, it’s vital to ensure that the earth on the build site can support the structure in the long term. When performing geotechnical drilling, Plant City builders can expect their drilling contractors to bring one or more drilling rigs to the site. Cores will be extracted from the ground and sent out for testing and analysis. A laboratory will evaluate the stone and soil in the core, determining whether it has the integrity to support the structure that will be constructed on the site.

Once the geotechnical drilling is complete and the cores are analyzed, this data can be forwarded to architects and engineers who will work together to design a structure that will be suitable for the site. Special design and engineering features, such as stabilization rods driven deep into the earth, may be included to ensure stability and integrity.

When performing geotechnical drilling, Plant City contractors can also determine if the area is suitable for the construction of an underground structure, such as a bunker or parking garage.

Notably, contractors can perform geotechnical drilling on land and offshore.

Plant City developers must ensure that a particular site is suitable for the structure that will be constructed on the land. Geotechnical drilling operations are very effective at revealing the exact composition of the underlying earth, allowing for the identification of poor, unstable soil or underground voids. These voids may be formed by groundwater eroding the limestone, resulting in large voids that may collapse under the weight of a new structure. The result is a sink hole – a relatively common problem in Florida and in the Midwest.

In addition to performing geotechnical drilling, Plant City contractors may also opt to perform other forms of testing, such as ground penetrating radar.

If a structure is built on unstable ground, the building or other structure can sustain worsening damage over time. The structure will gradually sink into the earth and shift, resulting in cracks and other damage that may ultimately compromise its integrity.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*