Geotechnical Drilling Winter Park Why is My House Sinking and Cracking and What Can I Learn with Geotechnical Drilling?

Winter Park geotechnical drilling firms occasionally receive calls from property owners who have noticed that their home has recently started sinking, sloping and cracking, both in the walls and . It’s also common to receive reports of “sticking” or even jammed doors.

There are a few different issues that can result in this type of damage and it’s common to call in a firm to perform geotechnical drilling. Winter Park residents can gain significant insight into the cause of the problem and how it can be remedied.

How Can I Benefit from Geotechnical Drilling?

Winter Park geotechnical drilling technicians will work with an engineer to determine the ideal drilling sites, which can be used to extract sub-surface samples using various methods. This can reveal greater insight into your situation.

One possibility is a poorly-constructed (or a very old and deteriorating) foundation, which is crumbling and failing in a manner that causes shifting in the structure. This situation can often be identified by an experienced engineer and subsequently repaired without the need to perform geotechnical drilling.

Another potential cause involves poor quality earth, with relatively loose and moist sub-surface layers. This instability most often results in areas with sandy soil and poor water drainage over a broad area. As a result, the entire home – foundation and all – may begin sink. If the sinking occurs unevenly, cracking can arise in the home’s walls and foundation.

Geotechnical drilling technicians can identify this problem by analyzing soil samples and geotechnical test results. The remedy will vary depending upon the exact nature of the situation. In some cases, modifying the drainage in the area can help prevent further degradation. In other cases, it may be necessary to modify the home to maintain structural stability.

It’s also possible that a homeowner could see cracked walls, cracks in the foundation and other signs of movement and shifting, such as “sticky” doors, resulting from sinking and shifting that’s connected to an underground void. In Florida, the limestone bedrock is prone to dissolution when exposed to mild acids that are commonly found in the sub-surface layers. This can result in an underground cavity that can be identified through geotechnical drilling operations.

In some cases, a small cavity has collapsed, resulting in the structure’s shifts. In other cases, a small amount of shifting may foreshadow a major, catastrophic collapse that would result in a sinkhole. In this case, it’s possible to drill down into the bedrock, placing stabilization rods in the stone and connecting those rods to the structure’s foundation for support, even if the ground falls away.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Oak Ridge What is Bedrock and How Can You learn about it With Geotechnical Drilling?

Oak Ridge, Louisiana geotechnical drilling technicians can extract samples from a range of different sub-surface layers, including the bedrock. But what is bedrock, why is it important and why would you want to sample it?

These are amongst the most common questions that we receive concerning geotechnical drilling. Oak Ridge natives can read on to learn more about bedrock and why sampling is sometimes necessary.

Why Do You Sample Bedrock With Geotechnical Drilling?

Oak Ridge geotechnical drilling operations sometimes entail drilling down into the bedrock, which is a layer of lithified rock that underlies a number of different layers of earth. These different regolith layers situated atop the bedrock are called “horizons.”

The very top layer is the organic layer, comprised of leaves, sticks, dead plants and other organic matter. This layer, also called “Horizon O” is organic-rich dirt where natural composting takes place. Below the organic layer is “Horizon A,” the surface layer. This layer has a bit less organic matter, although plant roots frequently penetrate down into this layer.

The subsoil layer, also called “Horizon B” is next. Many of the deepest roots penetrate down into this layer, which is comprised primarily of soil, with some rocks. Below this layer is “Horizon C,” the substratum layer, which is a fairly rocky soil layer that sits directly atop the bedrock. The bedrock is considered “Horizon R.”

Bedrock can extend hundreds of feet down below the surface, abutting the earth’s crust in some regions. Bedrock can be comprised of igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary rock. Whatever the rock type, the bedrock components are typically consolidated from the aggregate pressure of the overlaying soil layers.

The bedrock is important because there are many structures that require excavating down into the bedrock. The degree of difficulty for this type of project will vary depending upon the type of stone that comprises the bedrock. In other instances, the engineers may choose to drill down into the bedrock, inserting stabilization rods that connect to the foundation for added stability in regions with questionable stability.

The U.S. Gulf Coast is a geologically unique region, with lots of loose, sandy soil and limestone bedrock in many regions. Geotechnical drilling allows you to extract samples from the bedrock, which provides geologists and geotechnical engineers to learn more about the composition of the bedrock, its integrity and overall quality and even if the area is prone to a sinkhole.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Fruit Cave What is Environmental Geotechnical Drilling?

Fruit Cave, Louisiana geotechnical drilling projects often involve environmental investigation, which is important for a range of different projects, including contamination investigations and scientific studies by geologists and natural history experts.

Geotechnical drilling can reveal a lot of important information, using methods such as rock coring, soil sample extraction, in-site testing and beyond.

What are the Uses for Environmental Geotechnical Drilling?

Fruit Cave area natives may call upon an environmental drilling team to assist with an investigation into an area that is believed to be contaminated and/or polluted. Contaminants can spread throughout the soil and other underground structures with surprising ease, especially if the area has underground water flows. This has the potential to lead to extensive groundwater contamination.

Geotechnical drilling can be used to identify the precise extent of contamination and pollution, while also providing insight into the degree of environmental damage that has resulted from the contaminants. Additionally, the data gleaned from an environmental drilling venture can also be used to help craft an effective contamination remediation plan, to clean up and/or contain the contaminants (depending upon the precise nature of the contaminants and the ground composition.)

Once the nature and extent of the pollution or contamination is identified, a plan can be developed to correct the problem. In some cases, the contaminated earth may be removed and carted away to a safe disposal location. In other situations, membranes and other dividers can be used to contain the contaminants to a particular location so they do not spread.

Geologists and other scientists who are studying natural history may seek to gain information and insight from an environmental drilling venture. An expert can gather a lot of useful data from rock, mineral, gas, oil and soil samples that can be extracted from the earth.

Environmental drilling can also be used in cold, arctic locations to extract ice core samples. These ice cores can contain a wealth of information about the climate and environment in bygone eras. Scientists can use these ice core samples to learn more about past climate shifts, geological events such as volcano eruptions and even what plants and animals happened to live in a particular region at a specific point in time. This work is usually performed by a firm that specializes in environmental geotechnical drilling. Fruit Cave, of course, is located in a warm, sub-tropical region, so this type of work is not performed locally.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Jacksonville Beach How Can You Fix an Unstable Structure With Geotechnical Drilling?

Jacksonville Beach, Louisiana geotechnical drilling firms are kept quite busy because the Gulf Coast is one of the most challenging regions of the continent when it comes to geotechnical engineering. This is because regions of Louisiana, Florida, Alabama and Texas (amongst other regions) are plagued by loose, sandy soil, combined with soft bedrock and a higher than average frequency of sinkholes.

When it comes to site investigations that utilize geotechnical drilling, Jacksonville Beach area developers and builders only started utilizing this form of site investigation in recent decades. This means that there are many older structures that are on unstable ground and at risk of catastrophic failure or collapse. But this is an area where geotechnical drilling can be useful, as you can gain the information you need to make modifications that can repair a structure’s instability.

How Do You Repair a Damaged Structure Using Geotechnical Drilling?

Jacksonville Beach area builders, engineers and architects frequently hire a geotechnical drilling firm to perform an investigation at a site where you have a structure that’s ailing. Some of the most common situations include:

  • A building that is showing signs of “sinking” and shifting
  • A building that is atop a known underground void, which could collapse into a sinkhole at any time
  • A structure in a location that was damaged by an earthquake, flood or other natural event
  • A structure that’s showing unexpected or premature structural degradation that cannot be attributed to the architectural design (and is therefore believed to be a result of a change in the underlying earth.)

All of these cases share one thing in common: the underlying earth appears to be lacking integrity and strength, resulting in damage and a serious safety risk in many cases.

With geotechnical drilling, Jacksonville Beach natives can evaluate the ground composition, the stone and bedrock integrity, the moisture content and the overall stability of the earth. In cases where an underground void is present and at risk of collapse, the drilling team can evaluate the void, which may then be pumped full of cement to prevent collapse.

Based on the findings of the drilling operation, engineers and architects can develop a plan to modify the structure, by adding reinforcements, supports and other measures to render the structure safer and more stable. It’s also possible to drive poles down into the bedrock, affixing those poles to the foundation for support.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Town ‘N Country Why Do You Need Soil Samples from Geotechnical Drilling?

Town ‘N Country natives often ask about the uses for the soil samples – formally known as core samples – that are extracted from the ground during the geotechnical drilling process. There are actually a number of different uses for soil samples, which are extracted as a tubular “slice” from the ground.

What Information Do You Get from Soil Samples Extracted via Geotechnical Drilling?

Town ‘N Country clients can get a lot of valuable information from the soil samples that are extracted during a geotechnical drilling project.

One bit of information pertains to the soil layer composition, depth and thickness of each layer, along with the depth of the bedrock. Engineers and developers can use this information when planning a structure for a site. It’s critical that you ensure that the site’s ground is sufficiently stable and robust enough to support a large building or other structure.

Soil samples also provide information on the groundwater depth and the degree of saturation within the soil. Groundwater sources are often tapped by well companies, but they need to know how deep to drill in order to access that water. Additionally, the degree of soil saturation is also important because this can have a very significant impact on the ground’s overall stability.

It’s also possible for our geotechnical drilling crews to extract rock core samples, providing you with a sample of the limestone bedrock that sits beneath the Florida peninsula. In other areas of the country, the rock core samples can actually vary quite a bit, whereas the state of Florida sits atop a consistent layer of limestone bedrock.

Soil samples can also be used to determine if ground contaminants are present and if so, how deep those contaminants have seeped into the earth. This can be useful for remediation and clean-up efforts, as the crews will need to know how deep to dig in order to remove all of the contaminants.

With geotechnical drilling, Town ‘N County clients may find that the absence of soil is a key finding. This can indicate that you have penetrated an underground void that holds the potential to collapse, forming a sinkhole. So in cases where you come up with an unexpected lack of soil, this can be important because it allows the property owners to make a decision as to whether sinkhole remediation is required.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Sawgrass How Do You Choose a Firm to Perform Geotechnical Drilling?

Sawgrass property owners should consider a number of different points as they find a geotechnical drilling firm to perform work at their site. Not all geotechnical drilling companies are equal and it’s important that you find the right firm for your unique needs. So what points should you consider when hiring a firm that specializes in geotechnical drilling? Sawgrass natives can consider the following.

Tips to Hire the Right Company to Perform Your Geotechnical Drilling

Sawgrass clients will want to begin by discussing their precise needs with the drilling firm. Geotechnical drilling is used to perform many different tasks, including:

  • Evaluating potential sinkhole sites
  • Performing investigations into contaminated soil
  • Determining the composition and integrity of a building site
  • Evaluating moisture content in the soil and identifying drainage issues
  • Determining the depth and quality of the underlying bedrock
  • Collecting soil samples and rock core samples
  • Evaluating the ground for the placement of underground structures

These are just some of the reasons why you may retain a geotechnical drilling firm to drill at your site. There are numerous types of geotechnical drilling rigs and each rig type is well suited to very specific project types. It’s important that the drilling firm that you select has the proper type of drilling rig and that the rig is available for the timeframe when you require it at your site.


Cost is certainly one consideration, but the firm’s experience and the overall quality of the work are other extremely important considerations to keep in mind. It may be worthwhile to read any ratings and reviews for the company you’re considering.

Additionally, you’ll want to determine the timeframe for the project so that you can make the appropriate accommodations. In cases where you need the job performed in a very timely manner, it may be possible to dispatch multiple drilling rigs to the site. This can reduce the timeframe for the drilling project in instances where multiple drilling sites are required.

We want to make sure you understand each step of the process. We are knowledgeable and dedicated in providing you the best possible service each and every time.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Ponte Verde What is a Site Investigation with Geotechnical Drilling?

Ponte Verde clients can benefit from geotechnical drilling site investigations, which are comprehensive evaluations that are typically performed by geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists. These investigations are designed to obtain and evaluate information on the integrity and composition of the soil and rock at a particular site. So what is performed during a geotechnical investigation and why is this type of investigation performed? That’s precisely what we’ll explore in today’s article.

Ponte Verde property owners may arrange for a geotechnical investigation for a range of different project types. The geotechnical investigation will include an above-ground evaluation and a subsurface investigation, which is conducted using geotechnical drilling.

Geotechnical investigations can be used to evaluate the degree of thermal resistivity in the earth at a particular location. This is relevant for projects involving the installation or maintenance of underground oil pipelines, gas pipelines, transmission lines and even solar thermal storage facilities.

Soil sampling is also commonplace. So it’s common for the geotechnical drilling crews to extract core samples at a site to determine the composition, density, water content and other attributes. The soil sampling procedure can be performed using a large diameter boring or a small diameter boring.

Small diameter borings are most frequently used and they are the fastest and most cost effective option. But large diameter borings, while more dangerous and costly, can provide engineers and geologists to perform a comprehensive examination of the rock and soil stratigraphy.

A soil sample may be considered disturbed or undisturbed. An undisturbed sample is one that preserves the density and other structural properties of the earth, making it representative of the actual conditions in the ground. Undisturbed samples are more challenging to obtain, but they provide a bit more information than a disturbed sample. A disturbed soil sample involves a sample that has been moved about and rearranged sufficiently so as to make it unrepresentative of the actual conditions below the ground. But it can provide some important information, such as the soil grain properties and water content.

In addition to evaluating the soil, it’s also possible to sample the underlying bedrock, determining its depth, density and overall integrity, amongst other properties.

The information obtained from a geotechnical drilling investigation can reveal essential facts for developers and others who are performing work at the site, such as a sinkhole remediation crew or an underground pipeline installation crew.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Nassau Village Ratliff Sinkholes: Do you know the warning signs?

Potential sinkhole sites are often identified by geotechnical drilling. Nassau Village Ratliff natives may also wonder what additional signs can be detected as an underground void forms, posing a serious danger of a future sinkhole. So that’s precisely what we’ll explore in today’s article.

The warning signs of a sinkhole are many and varied. And while many do invest in geotechnical drilling, Nassau Village Ratliff residents will typically see many other subtle signs in and around their home. In fact, in the case of a large sinkhole, you may see damage beyond just your home. The damage may impact other nearby homes as well, signaling the presence of a large void.

A sinkhole forms when an underground void forms and then collapses. In Florida, this void usually forms in the limestone bedrock, which is eroded by the mild acids that are present in the groundwater.

Some of the most common warning signs of a sinkhole include:

Cracks. The formation of cracks in your home’s walls – both interior walls and exterior walls. This is particularly problematic in cases where the damage is symmetrical (i.e. the entire western portion of your home appears to be sinking.)

Windows and doors. You may notice that your windows and doors start to jam and become more challenging to open or close. Homes with primarily pocket doors may not notice this issue, but traditional doors very often display this symptom of a shifting home.

Your yard. There are depressions or new dips forming in your yard, in your driveway or in the street. You may notice these depressions most when it rains, as you may notice flooding in an area that never flooded previously.

Driveway and walkway. Deep cracks form in paved areas, such as a driveway, street or walkway. This may be especially indicative of a potential sinkhole site in cases where the damage spans a large area (i.e. the crack extends into your neighbor’s driveway, showing that a large area has shifted.)

New shifting, sinking and other sinkhole danger signs are most common after a period of heavy rain, which adds to the weight of the earth that’s overlaying the underground void. This can place added pressure on the void, resulting in more and more degradation over time until it finally collapses into a sinkhole.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Jacksonville What Happens if You Find a Potential Sinkhole During Geotechnical Drilling?

Jacksonville clients often wonder what happens if one of our geotechnical drilling crews encounters signs of an underground void, which could potentially be the site of a future sinkhole if that void were to collapse. Well, there are a number of different measures that you can take if our drilling experts encounter a potential sinkhole site.

What Can I Do if You Find a Sinkhole Danger Zone via Geotechnical Drilling?

Jacksonville property owners are immediately notified if we discover evidence of a potential sinkhole site. In virtually all cases, additional investigation is required in order to evaluate the size, depth and approximate dimensions of the underground void. This may entail some additional drilling, which can provide greater insight into the size and location of the void.

It’s also possible to use other techniques, such as ground penetrating radar, which is used just like aerial radar, except it evaluates the various densities at different depths in the ground. Ground penetrating radar can be used to determine the precise size and dimensions of the underground void.

Sinkhole remediation experts will evaluate the underground cavity, considering factors such as its depth, the size and the risk of collapse. The nature, size, location and overall integrity of the overlying structures will also be evaluated.

Once a void is located and evaluated, there are a few courses of action. One option is to simply monitor the void, looking for signs of progression toward a collapse into a sinkhole. It’s also possible to fill the potential sinkhole site with cement, thereby making it impossible for the void to collapse. One or more holes are drilled into the void and tubes are extended down and into the cavity, which is then pumped full of cement. Of course, the voids can be extremely large, so it’s not always practical or possible to pursue this option. We are the number one geotechnical drilling company in Florida. Contact us today and see how we can help you with all of your geotechnical drilling needs.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Franklin Town How Can You Evaluate Ground Contamination with Geotechnical Drilling?

Franklin Town clients can turn to an experienced geotechnical drilling firm like Amdrill, Inc. for assistance in extracting soil samples that can be used to determine the extent and nature of contamination. Soil contamination can arise as the result of many different situations. The contamination may occur at the ground level, sinking down into the earth as the rain water draws it downward.

Soil contamination can also arise from an underground source, such as a buried storage tank, which could leak its contents into the surrounding earth over the course of weeks, months or years. But geotechnical drilling can provide a lot of useful insight that can guide your soil contamination cleanup efforts.

How Do You Gain Insight into Contamination With Geotechnical Drilling?

Franklin Town property owners can gain some important insight into the nature and extent of soil contamination through geotechnical drilling, which can be used to extract core samples. Core samples are collected in a tube of sorts, which captures a vertical column of earth. This core sample is then extracted from the earth and sent out for analysis.

Core samples can be evaluated for contamination, including the type of the contamination, the degree of contamination, the depth of the contamination and the geographical area that’s affected by the contamination. Based on this information, the property owner can devise a plan to clean up the contaminated soil.

The drilling experts can extract core samples from various locations throughout the site in question, providing a snapshot of the contaminated area. This can guide the clean-up efforts by providing insight into where and how deep they need to dig to extract the contaminated soil.

When hiring a firm to perform geotechnical drilling, Franklin Town property owners will need to provide information on the exact area to be investigated. The size of the area and the depth of the drilling operation will determine the timeframe and the cost for the project. But determining the exact location, depth and severity of the soil contamination can be critical for ensuring a prompt and effective clean-up operation.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*