Drilling Hudson Solid Stem Compared to Hollow Drilling Bits

When it comes to the many tasks that can be performed in geotechnical drilling, Hudson residents should know that there are also many pieces of equipment in order to do so effectively. Apart from different sized drilling rigs, there are also many kinds and shapes of drill bits. While most people associate the drill bits that are used for a hand held drill with that of geotechnical drilling equipment, this is only half of all different types of drill bits. These types of drill bits are often known in the industry as solid stem drill bits, but another popular option that may need to be used from time to time are hollow drill bits.

Solid Stem Drill Bits

Solid Stem drill bits are exactly how they sound in the sense that they are made from solid pieces of metal that can be made into different shapes or configurations. For example, in geotechnical drilling, Hudson professionals might commonly use a solid stem auger drill bit in order to drill into many types of soil and sediment. These drill bits are used to drill deep into the ground and through hard sediments when having the drilling hole collapse is not an issue. Even though these bits are made from solid pieces of metal, they can still wear down and break due to extreme use or being used incorrectly on the wrong soils and sediments.

Hollow Drill Bits

Hollow Drilling bits are not made from solid metal like the solid stem augers used in geotechnical drilling. Hudson residents should be made aware that hollow drill bits are not used in the same manner as solid stem drill bits. These drill bits have a hollow core that is used to pump air or fluid into them to help with the drilling process of certain types of soils and sediments, such as with sand or other loose material. Additionally, hollow drill bits are a great option when drilling professionals are tasked with collecting soil and sediment samples to be analyzed later.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Environmental Drilling Hudson Geotechnical Drilling for Septic Systems

Septic systems for residential homes are a critical component in areas that do not have access to city water and sewer usage. Somewhere between ten and fifteen percent of the population in the United States relies on having a local sewage system to depend on, most commonly in rural areas that lie beyond city limits. In order to get septic systems installed, a construction company will call upon the skills and services of a professional geotechnical drilling company that handles environmental drilling. Hudson residents should be made aware that this is a common practice for rural areas that are becoming more developed with new homes being constructed.

Starting the Process of Installing a New Septic System

It should be known that not just anyone can start drilling holes in order to make room for a new septic system. Construction and drilling professionals may have to meet with members of the county and local health department in order to locate all existing wells and septic systems. When it comes to installing a septic system through environmental drilling, Hudson residents should know that there are specific rules and procedures that must be followed. Soil testing and sample collection is another part of the initial process to get construction going to find the best spot on the property for the system and drainage areas.

The process of Getting a Permit

Once a geotechnical drilling company has gathered all the samples and submitted them to the county and health apartment, they are still not ready to start drilling for septic tank installation. A building permit must be approved and issued before any further work can be done. Keep in mind though that this process changes depending on the local jurisdiction that someone is trying to perform environmental drilling. Hudson residents should know that this process is not always something that gets done in a couple of days, and sometimes it can take many weeks before a hired company can start drilling to install a residential septic system.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Hudson Factors Foundational Drilling for a Construction Site

One of the biggest client groups that geotechnical drilling professionals have are based around new construction sites and making sure a location is suitable for structures. This is because there is a lot more into building a structure than simply finding the necessary space. All structures should be sound and secure before people are ever set foot inside them, and this is one of the biggest responsibilities of a professional company that specializes in geotechnical drilling. Hudson residents might be interested in knowing the role of a geotechnical drilling company when it comes to new buildings and structures being built.

Surveying and Sample collection

Before a construction company starts building a structure, they need to make sure that the exact location is suitable for that structure then and in the future. For example, some structures that also have to go below the surface by building a strong foundation, or an object such as a septic tank for a residential home, a construction company would like to know what is below the surface with the assistance of a company that specializes in geotechnical drilling. Hudson residents should know that some findings that lie underground can cause a structure to not be built at all.

Secondary Inspections

Foundational drilling is not something that is only done before a structure is being constructed. It is just as important to make sure that the newly constructed structure at a location has not changed any of the geological conditions below the surface. Additionally, when it comes to geotechnical drilling, Hudson residents might not know that it is possible that things can change so quickly. For example, a sinkhole may not show up upon initial surveying of a construction site, but a sinkhole can open up relatively quickly, and ruin any form of structure that was constricted potentially. These kinds of issues can and should be corrected before anyone is going to be in that structure.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*