Drilling Hill n Dale What Kind of Drilling Conditions Can be Expected in Central Florida?

Throughout the world there are many types of soils and sediments that have vastly different properties and characteristics. Some states in the United States are large enough to include many geological conditions within its jurisdiction, such as the state of Florida. This can make the drilling conditions vastly different in only a short distance for professionals who are performing some form drilling. Hill n Dale residents might have lived in the state of Florida their entire lives but still do not know what makes the ground below their feet so unique to their living area.

The Primary Sediment of Florida

If there is one geological feature that the state of Florida is known it would have to be the majority of karst limestone that can be found throughout the state. This limestone goes back to millions of years of Florida being underwater. When marine organism dies and fossilize, they turn into sediment like limestone. When it comes to Drilling, Hill n Dale residents should know that limestone is not a very hard rock, and with the right equipment, it is relatively easy for drilling professionals to drill through. This could be a little more complicated if the location someone is drilling into has high moisture or water present, but nothing that cannot be handled.

Florida’s Sandy Soil

Florida soil is not like many of the other states in the United States. Because Florida has been submerged under water for most of its history, the soil is very grainy and sandy. When it comes to drilling, Hill n Dale residents might think that drilling through loose sand would be easily done, but it is not always the case. Often times special equipment and drill bits have to be used to compensate for the loose and shifting soil as drilling professional drill deeper and deeper. Like limestone sediment, drilling through sand can be very troublesome when water is an additional factor to consider.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Hill n’ Dale What Factors Must Drilling Professionals Consider at a Location?

Machines are great because they take a lot of the workload and effort off of people no matter what they are being used for. Although many machines are used in geotechnical drilling, Hill n’ Dale drilling professionals have to use a lot of knowledge to know when is the proper or best way to use these machines. When a drilling company shows up for a job that they have been given to drill for, they can’t just use any drill and get the job done. There are many factors or conditions that professionals must consider before they can start gaining access or retrieving samples from the surface below.

Soil Permeability

Although it is common for people to call ground or dirt the same thing no matter where it is located, or what its physical properties are, this is not the way it is for professionals in geotechnical drilling. Hill n’ Dale drilling professionals know that each type of sediment they encounter has it own set of challenges, such as how permeable the ground is. Soils that are loser are more permeable, or they can transmit water with ease. Not all drills can drill effectively in loose soil conditions.

Sediment Hardness

It is not uncommon for ground that has low soil permeability to be extremely hard. Sediment hardness is also a factor that geotechnical drilling professionals have to consider because some drills and drill bits are not suitable for very hard materials. With geotechnical drilling, Hill n’ Dale professionals would not want to ruin their equipment because they use the wrong type of drill bit for a sites particular soil or sediment conditions. For harder types of materials, drilling professionals are more inclined to use either titanium drill bits or drill bits that have diamond tips.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*