Drilling Connerton If Geotechnical Drilling isn’t About Oil, what is the Big Deal?

There are not too many people that know much about the world of drilling, let alone have ever seen professionals in the process of drilling. Connerton residents might be under the impression that the only things worth drilling into the ground for are oil or precious minerals, but this is not true. In fact, most drilling done in the United States today has nothing to do with resource harvesting or collection, but more so simply to gain access to the ground below. For example, many times before construction projects of new buildings are built drilling professionals are contracted to perform foundational drilling in order to ensure that a structure will be safe in the future after construction is over.

Foundational Drilling for Construction

Many structures today are much taller and weigh more than then they have ever throughout history. With these additional factors also comes the risk of potentially bringing harm to the people who occupy these buildings. In order to create stronger and more sturdy structures, contractions companies will often contract geotechnical drilling professionals that specialize in foundational drilling. Connerton residents should know that one of the best ways to make a building sturdier is to secure it from underneath the ground, as the ground can create a good anchor point for the rest of the building to keep it from collapsing.

Drilling for Groundwater

Even though ground water is not as luxurious as oil or precious metals, it is still one of our most valuable resources and almost everything on Earth survives off of water. Apart from constructing water wells for humans to drink from with the help of geotechnical drilling, Connerton residents should know that having access to groundwater is also important to farmers and ranchers. Farmers need to have access to a large amount of water for their crops, and ranchers need a source of water that their animals can drink from. These wells have to be continually monitored by drilling professionals because they are being consumed by us and animals.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Geotechnical Drilling Connerton The Importance of Calibration of Drilling Equipment

Drilling equipment is much more than simply drill bits for drilling rigs, but these are often the most important parts of a geotechnical drilling project. While we would all like to think that machines and their parts work as good as they should every time, this is not the reality of geotechnical drilling. Connerton residents might not be aware that calibration equipment is also an important part of making sure a company with geotechnical drilling tool are running property and differently. The SPT Analyzer is one of these important pieces of calibration equipment, which sends data specific to maximum force, velocity, energy, and blows per minute. Most of the time when geotechnical professional performs calibration tests, they have to take a minimum of at least 5 samples to get an accurate representation.

Why is Calibrated Equipment Important if it can Still Work?

Most people think that if drilling equipment needs to be re calibrated, then it doesn’t work at all, but this is rarely the case with drilling equipment used in geotechnical drilling. Connerton residents might not see the point of using a calibration machine but drill bits and machines that are not calibrated right do not perform as well as they need to be. This could make drilling jobs inefficient by taking longer to drill, or it could cause an instance where a drill does not make a good enough whole, and has to go back over the same spot. Nothing is worse than assuming a drilled hole is good, only to find out later that the location has to be drilled again, wasting even more time.

How Long Does Calibration Take for Inefficient Equipment?

When people hear about the process of calibration, and the fact that multiple samples must be taken to ensure proper calibration of geotechnical drilling equipment, they assume this task would take a long time. In the hands of professionals that specialize in geotechnical drilling, Connerton residents should be aware that this process only takes about ten minutes in order to compile accurate data about the tools and equipment that were being tested.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Environmental Drilling Connerton Environmental Drilling and Different Types of Soil and Sediment

Drilling professionals can find themselves drilling in many locations that have their own unique characteristics and challenges based off of their environmental conditions. It is common for people to think of dirt and soil as one entity, but in all actuality, there are many types of soil and sediments that may be encountered when performing environmental drilling. Connerton residents may be surprised at all the different types of soil that these professionals may encounter out on a job. Additionally, any combination of minerals that have been clumped into solid masses make up the different types of rocks that may be part of the drilling process.

Different Types of Soil in Florida

All soils develop from weathered rocks, volcanic ash deposits, or accumulated plant residues. Although all soil develops this way, there are not all the same. There are many types of soil that drilling professional may encounter while performing environmental drilling. Connerton residents might not know in Florida most soils develop for weathered minerals, which are:
· Quartz
· Micas
· Gypsum
· Calcite
· Feldspars
Knowing what kind of soil or sediment a geotechnical drilling company has to drill through can help then determine which drilling rig and drill bit would be best for the task at hand. Some of these soils can be harder to drill through, in which case a drill bit designed for hardness, such as a diamond tipped drill bit, may be more beneficial than other drill bits.

Why do Soil Conditions Matter?

Soil and Sediment conditions are important because it drastically affects the efficiency and effectiveness of drilling equipment when performing environmental drilling. Connerton drilling professional will often collect samples of a site before the commit to drilling. This ensures that they are using the correct equipment without wasting any time, or compromising the drilling holes. This is important when doing such tasks as foundational drilling for new buildings because drilling companies nor construction companies can afford to go back and redo the foundational drilling once construction has been started. This is only one example when understanding soil and sediment conditions of a site can go a long way in making sure the drilling job is done right the first time.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*