Marine Drilling Semmes How Can Marine Drilling Fail or become a Problem for Drilling Professionals?

Performing marine drilling is not as simple as many people make it out to be. Water is not a super strong material like some types of soils and sediments, but that does not mean it doesn’t have its own problems and challenges.

In most cases, performing marine drilling is a lot more challenging than doing normal drilling services on land. This is because there are a lot of things that can go wrong, and a lot of problems that can easily happen if professionals are not being careful when performing marine drilling. Semmes’s residents should know that drilling in water has most of the same problems and issues as drilling on land, but with more of them because of the water itself.

Today we will be going over some of the problems that drilling professionals may have to deal with when they are out on location dealing with marine drilling services.

The Shifting Nature of Marine Drilling

Marine drilling is particularly challenging due to the amount of water that will be present, as the name suggests. Water is not a solid state of matter, so it can easily be moved with a slight amount of force. 

This makes it harder to perform drilling, because the drill and the drilling rig will be constantly moving in most instances of marine drilling. Semmes’s residents might think that because water is easily moved it will be easy to drill into, but it is important to understand that marine drilling does not simply go through water.

The water itself can also make the ground underneath a body of water also move and shift easily. This is one of the major problems with professionals that are tasked to do marine drilling at a specific location.

Lack of Knowledge and Visibility

Another big problem that drilling professionals may have to deal with when they are outperforming marine drilling is not having enough geological information beforehand. Not too many people are taking geotechnical samples and surveys of land underwater.

A geological survey should be done before any type of drilling should be done, and this includes marine drilling. Semmes’s residents should know that any knowledge gained about the soil and sediment conditions of a specific location can go a long way with drilling professionals being successful.

Another big issue with marine drilling is the lack of visibility, the deeper a drilling company needs to go for a specific reason. This is not as much of a problem when drilling in a shallow body of water inland, but drilling in the open ocean can be extremely challenging.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Foundation Drilling Semmes How is foundation Drilling Performed by Drilling Professionals?

Most cities and urban areas are constantly growing each year, with more and more people living there. In order to keep up with rising population in some areas of the country, it is important that these local jurisdictions have to be constantly growing as well.

This will usually manifest as a city or town that is constantly adding new buildings, structures, and infrastructure projects to accommodate more people. Construction workers have a lot of work on their hands in these situations, but so do geotechnical drilling professionals.

Before construction of a new building should be started, professional geotechnical drilling companies should be out on location performing services related to foundation drilling. Semmes’s residents should know that foundation drilling is an intensive process that needs to be done in a specific way in order to be safe and successful.

Starting Off With Geotechnical Surveys

The construction of new buildings is not something that can happen just anywhere there is open space. There is a lot of care and consideration that is involved in the process, and oftentimes geotechnical surveys will be done first before any construction is started to make sure it is a good location.

Geotechnical surveys provide a lot of useful information to professionals that can aid them during foundation drilling. Semmes’s residents should know that these types of geotechnical surveys can give information about the soils and sediments at a location, which can help professionals pick the right equipment for the job at hand. 

Geotechnical surveys are also done in case there are any issues that may be present at a location for future construction. In the state of Alabama, this can be a sinkhole that is hiding underground, for example.

Being Precise and Coordinating with Construction Companies

Like that of future construction, foundation drilling is a task that needs to be done in a precise manner in order to be successful and effective. Oftentimes, foundational drilling efforts depend highly on the dimension of the structure being built, and what its purpose will be.

When it comes to foundation drilling, semmes residents might be aware that drilling professionals will have to drill down into the ground at specific lengths depending on the dimensions of the building.

If foundation drilling services are rushed and not completed as there were intended to, it can cause the building to not be structurally sound, which can end up putting a lot of people in potential danger in the event of a natural disaster or freak accident.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Drilling Semmes What are Some Different Types of Geotechnical Drilling Services?

Geotechnical drilling companies are professionals who make it their livelihoods to gain access underground from complex drilling equipment. Drilling can be done in more ways than one, which ends up leading to different types of services related to geotechnical drilling. Semmes’s residents should know more about these different types of geotechnical drilling efforts because they may need one or more of them in the future.

The type of drilling efforts that professionals will be doing depends on what the task at hand is, but also what the environmental conditions are like at a specific location.

Different types of drilling services are beneficial to different types of people in different types of industries and circumstances. Here are some of the more common drilling services that can have drastically different results for people.

Marine Drilling Services

A lot of people are under the impression that because of the name itself when talking about geotechnical drilling, Semmes residents might think that professionals are only going to be working on land, but this is not true.

One type of drilling service that is offered by a professional drilling company is marine drilling. Most people quickly think of drilling to be done in the open ocean, which is true, but it is also important to keep in mind that there are many bodies of water that can be found inland which can be improved with drilling efforts.

Marine drilling is very important when developing coastal areas of urban cities, such as building up a fishing pier or a boardwalk on a beach. Inland, this can be materialized as a bridge that needs to be constructed over a river.

Geotechnical Drilling investigations and Sample Collection

When someone calls upon a professional company to come out and perform a specific service related to geotechnical drilling, Semmes residents should know that gaining access underground is not always the primary objective.

Another popular type of geotechnical drilling services that many industries benefit from are those that require an investigation of a specific piece of land, or sample collection to understand the soil and sediment conditions better.

A geotechnical survey of a specific piece of land is very important when working in underdeveloped areas, as there is usually little to no information about what conditions are like and if there are any issues. Samples are needed in some instances to further understand the qualities of the soil and sediment that is present.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*


Difficult Access Drilling Semmes Why Can Drilling in a New Location Create Situations of Difficult Access Drilling?

Geotechnical drilling is a very common service that not too many people get to witness first hand. Drilling is all about gaining access underground for sample collection of future construction efforts.

Geotechnical drilling is something that can happen almost anywhere, and it is most common to be performed in underdeveloped areas that have little to no infrastructure or urban build up that is present. But drilling into new areas is not always easy.

In many instances, drilling into a new area that has never been looked at may create instances of difficult access drilling. Semmes’s residents might not be aware of these instances, so it is important to go over some of the more specific situations that can happen to drilling professionals when drilling into a new location for the first time.

Specific Soils and Sediments Causing Issues

One reason why drilling into a new location can be especially challenging for geotechnical drilling professionals is due to the presence of specific types of soils and sediments. Many people believe that drills are so strong that they can easily drill into any geological conditions present, but this is not true.

For example, specific types of drill bits used for geotechnical drilling may not be strong enough to break through some types of sediments because they are too hard. For sediments with a high hardness level, diamond tipped drill puts should be used for the best results.

When it comes to this scenario and difficult access drilling, Semmes residents should know that the situation can potentially be avoided if a geotechnical drilling company too samples or performed a geotechnical survey to have a better idea of what soil and sediment conditions are present.

Anomalies Hiding Underground at a New Location

Another common reason why geotechnical drilling professionals may have a lot of trouble when drilling into a new location is because of something that was found underground at the location that was not planned for.

In the state of Alabama, for example, many areas of the state run the risk of having an active sinkhole present due to the right geological conditions. Having an active sinkhole on a work site can seriously create problems and situations related to difficult access drilling. Semmes’s residents should know that only large sinkholes will be able to be seen from the surface. Smaller active sinkholes may still be hiding underground.

Apart from sinkholes, another problem that can be lying underground which can affect drilling is the presence of groundwater.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*

Environmental Drilling Semmes Can Environmental Drilling be Done in Snowy Conditions?

Living in the Southeast portion of the United States, the type of weather that we experience on a regular basis yearly is going to be rather warm and wetter than other locations around the country.

Drilling in wet and rainy conditions can be challenging by themselves, but what about the occasional instances when severe cold weather comes through and causes icy and snowy conditions?

Many individuals often wonder if professionals drilling companies can work in the snow when they are out on location performing environmental drilling. Semmes residents should know that there are some instances where drilling into the snow can be done, but it is not easy, and it does have its own set of challenges.

The Problem With Moisture

Most people who see snow see it as a good thing. They see it as it would be in a cartoon; a light and fluffy occurrence that isn’t much of a nuisance to anyone. While snow can be like this, it is often not the case.

When it comes to snowy conditions and environmental drilling, Semmes residents might not be aware of the fact that it causes a lot of problems with water while drilling. The friction of the drill creates enough heat to melt the snow, which turns it back into water.

Drilling into water is not too much easier than drilling into snow, as it has its own set of problems that happen. The biggest issue however is heating up snow while drilling, and then having the excess moisture freeze again. This can ruin drilling efforts, and it can sometimes ruin the drilling work that has already been done.

How Do Professionals Drill Into Snow?

Even though drilling in locations that are covered with snow can be challenging, it is not as if drilling professionals can’t get work done in these conditions. One of the most important things that drilling professionals have to consider when drilling into freezing conditions is using the right equipment to make the job as easy as possible.

When it comes to environmental Drilling, Semmes residents may not be aware that choosing the right drill, drill bit, and drilling rig can have a dramatic effect on how easily and efficiently a professional drilling company can work in snowy conditions.

Even though ice is nothing more than frozen water, there are some types of drilling equipment that have a hard time going through ice or slush underground.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*


'>Geotechnical Drilling Semmes What's Considered When Selecting a Drill Bit for Geotechnical Drilling?

Semmes, Alabama geotechnical drilling projects vary dramatically when it comes to the goals and objective for the drilling project. When a drilling crew arrives on-site, you may notice that they have lots of equipment, including lots of different drill bits. So how do the technicians select the proper bit for your project?

When it comes to geotechnical drilling, Semmes technicians may consider several different key factors when evaluating which drill bit (and drilling rig, for that matter) is most suitable for the job.  Let’s examine what factors are considered as your technician prepares to start drilling.

How Does a Technician Choose the Right Bit for Geotechnical Drilling?

Semmes, Alabama geotechnical drilling technicians may choose from a variety of different rigs and drill bits. Drilling bits can be made from a variety of different metals and metal alloys. The bits may be impregnated with diamond bits to increase the overall strength, while others may have a special, treated tip made of carbide or diamond.

Drill bit tips tend to take a majority of the abuse during a drilling operation. When drilling through rock and dense ground conditions, the friction causes the drill bit to deteriorate over time. Lubricants and cooling fluids are used to prevent high heat which can cause bending, melting and warping.

Each drill bit has a different shape, diameter and usage. So your drilling technician will need to choose the right bit depending upon factors such as:

  • Variability of the ground. Some areas have several soft layers of soil above very dense layers, while others are more uniform throughout.
  • Density and hardness of the ground. Using the Moh’s Hardness Scale which gives a value of 1 to 10 to various rocks and minerals, the drilling technician can evaluate the location and choose the proper drill bit for the hardest, densest material you’re apt to encounter.
  • Drilling rig style and RPMs. Different drilling rigs require different drill bits. The bits used for a percussive drilling rig (which works like a jackhammer) is very different from the bits used from a rotary drilling rig, which has a bit that rotates. The type and size of drilling rig varies, as does the maximum RPM. The faster the RPM, the more potential for friction and the greater the stress on the drill bit.
  • Drilling objective. There are different drill bits for different projects. For example, if you’re extracting core samples, you would use a hollow cylindrical drill bit with a hard leading edge, while a different type of drill bit would be used for a different type of drilling operation.

The technician’s overall knowledge of the site’s geology is also a key factor because if you are uncertain of what lies beneath the earth’s surface and there’s a chance he may encounter dense stone or soil that’s going to be hard to penetrate, they may choose a more heavy duty drill bit.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Amdrill Inc*