Geotechnical Drilling Ocoee Things to Consider for Improved Core Recovery
One of the key parts of geotechnical drilling is obtaining soil and sediment samples from a location and having it analyzed in a lab setting for a multitude of different reasonings. Core recovery, and how to improve it, is a topic that comes up often in a discussion between many field technicians. This is not surprising, since it is the purpose of every driller and drilling company to want to be efficient and cost effective when performing geotechnical drilling. Ocoee drillers should consider these factors among many others to improve core recovery.
Start With Choosing The Right Drill Bit
Knowing how to choose the right core bit for the type of ground you will be drilling in will go a long way in helping your core recovery. Factors related to ground that you should consider include a rock’s hardness, whether ground is competent or fractured, variability and also abrasiveness are important. In addition, variables such as companies type of drill rig, level of experience, depth of drilling expected and knowledge of the area will all factor into your choice for geotechnical drilling. Ocoee drilling operators should also consider adding fluid additives to help make it easier to retrieve a core sample. For example, if you find yourself drilling in sandy or gravel conditions, an additive can be used to solidify non-stable and abrasive grounds.
Do Not Neglect Regular Maintenance
Once you have chosen the correct drill bit, remember that you should always be drilling with clean and lubricated equipment. Drilling companies’ inner tube should be cleaned thoroughly every time the core is removed, and they should properly rinse both the inside and the outside of the inner tube, core case and spring. With Geotechnical Drilling, Ocoee drillers should know that Clean tubes accept core easier and descend faster. Make sure to use a good extreme pressure or multi -purpose grease to pump into the bearing assembly
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